Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Your Soul Mate is like Comfy Soles of Your Life!

I remember the hilarious remark made by one of my cousins at a family wedding in California. With every one of the invited guests looking excited and happy for the newlyweds walking down the aisle, this guy – my cousin – took a grumpy, mean-streak attitude, saying in a low voice “Oh, boy, he’s digging his own grave now. Welcome to the hellish roller coaster!” Ha… Biting my own tongue not to laugh out loud in that sacred moment, I fell into a deep, deep thought about his ‘not-so-pleasant-but-true’ kind of comment. Since when or how long would it take for a married couple to feel sort of ho-hum or blah with each other?
Quite a few female friends of mine – who have been married for almost 15 – 20 years – complain about the way their hubbies act. Each time the ladies discover their husbands’ inside-out dirty socks tossed at a random place in the house, jackets and pants abandoned here and there like snake’s ecdysis on a daily basis, they dream of getting divorced or running away from it all. Their list of complaints regarding “hubby’s bad habits” goes on and on. Well, sadly, their hubbies’ lousy modus vivendi comes as no surprise to me at all. How about you out there? Join the club!
Let me see what would turn wives off. When wives normally come across her husbands’ fashion faux-pas such as wearing the ugly, chintzy Margaritaville style of shirt with boxer undies hanging low, they feel the guys are no longer attractive. How about these men’s nonchalant farting, nose-picking, or burping at the table? Definitely disgusting. To top it all off, husbands become deaf and never seem to listen to their wives while they are into their smart phones, which makes the poor wives say to themselves ‘Hello, anybody there?!!!’  From time to time, wives even feel betrayed when their soul mates turn their heads following a pretty young girl crossing the street. UGH! With hundreds of, thousands of unpleasant behavior of husbands, wives feel frustrated.
Hmmm…. but wait. Let us take a brief moment to look back on ourselves as the guys’ lifelong partner. Are we, the wives, all perfectly wonderful, beautiful, and dutiful fairies all the time…….or at least, most of the time? On the other side of the married life are the husbands who got as much to say as wives about their female soul mates. The guys must wonder what has happened to their wives’ hair disaster early in the morning that looks like a ceiling fan accident. Quite often times, the poor husbands need to see where wind blows not to annoy their wives who have changed their skin and frequently show mood swings. On the day the wives had a high school or college reunion, husbands get ready to be painfully compared with the hubbies of their wives’ friends’ who are good-looking,  make a lot of money, and act like such a gentleman from a movie scene. Husbands’ feelings of sadness or disappointment do not end there. On the road, husbands also realize they got married to scary women who keep swearing and giving four letter words without any effort at other reckless drivers. They sighed saying inside ‘There’s no turning back.’
Well, before continuing to find fault with your soul mate, just remember these: Your spouse that you call unattractive, boring, lackluster, or curmudgeon was the very one that has made your heart skip a beat long ago. He or she is the one that would never ever let go of your hands through thick and thin. Your soul mate is just like your comfy soles of your life!

to walk down the aisle: (=to go down the aisle) to get married

ho-hum/ blahs: exclamation used to show that you are bored or feeling unhappy or not well
e.g., My niece felt kind of blah at the graduation party.

ecdysis: (in arachnids or snakes) growth can occur only by shedding the old exoskeleton/skin, which is a process termed molting or ecdysis. In the above, this word was used with its figurative meaning.

modus vivendi: a way of living

Join the club!: When someone says something that you agree with, you say "join the club".
e.g., A: Jesus!  I think Leon is such a bad ass!                 B:Join the club.

to turn someone off: basically something that disgusts you, find embarrassing or unappealing (mostly) about the opposite sex

(fashion) faux-pas: an action or a remark that causes  embarrassment because it is not socially correct;
severe social blunder or major breach in etiquette.  In the above passage, it is used as a fashion mistake/ victim

chintzy: cheap/ not very attractive/ ugly

Margaritaville: Orginated from the Jimmy Buffet song that is the framework definition for what a beach front vacation paradise should be.  Margartitaville shirt refers to the lame, ugly, and unfashionable Hawaiian shirt.

undies: underwear

nonchalant: unconcerned or indifferent

to top it all off: to matters worse

to see where the wind blows: to try to discover information about a situation, especially other people's opinions or thoughts, before they take action

mood swings: sudden changes in behavior

curmudgeon: a bad-tempered or difficult/ grumpy person

through thick and thin: through the good and the bad times

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