Friday, February 24, 2017

Living in the “Us vs Them” World

Since Trump administration launched, I have seen so many people have unfriended their friends on the social media, just because they are upset by their friends’ political dispositions or probably because they might have paralogized their friends’ characters based on differences of ideas they have.
Sadly, today we are living in a world where people with different thoughts or opinions of others are something to be impugned without giving them a second chance to provide cogent explanations. If you have somewhat new or creative approach to something in this square world, you are apt to be viewed as some kind of carcinogen that should be stonewalled by majority of others who share their own same colors. It is such a painfully “black or white” type of demarcation. If they look, think, or behave differently from the way we do, they become something negative. This is a stark-naked reality especially in the field of politics. Right or left. In or out of one’s cohort. One or the other. Us vs them. VERY DANGEROUS.

In a sense, having a consistent and apparent opinion is an important quality we need in life, and it is way better than to be a whiffler depending on circumstances.  Among the hardliners, someone who has a neutral color is often accused of being insipid and wishy-washy, hiding in the umbra of the black or white views. They seem to assert that only the calliopean voice in life matters and is worthy to be heard. However, being somewhere in between one or the other can also make one good aspect of opinions, which has no reason to be criticized or denigrated due to their lackluster color in a procrustean bed.

Witnessing a lot of verbal attacks and overblown insults on one another in political debates, which would lead them to the point of “unfriending” on social media, I ask myself ‘am I still gonna be his or her friend tomorrow if I show my true colors on this matter?’ Tiptoeing around people’s thoughts is not my cup of tea though. I’d rather say what I mean and be happy to stay as a good friend to those who would still be ready to embrace my thoughts that could be different from theirs or at least just let me be that way. How about you out there? Are you still my friends? 

to paralogize…: (verb) to draw conclusions that do not follow logically from a given set of assumptions

to impugn…: (verb) to challenge, vilify, slander, or assail others’ statements/ motives as false; cast doubt upon others’ ideas

cogent: (adjective) convincing, forcible

carcinogen: (noun) a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue

to stonewall…: (verb) To doggedly block someone's progress. Originally derived from the nickname a Confederate general "Stonewall" Jackson obtained at the battle of Bull Run. The troops said his men were holding back the Union army like a stone wall. So “to stonewall” means to delay and generally block someone.

cohort: (noun) a group of people (sharing the same interest or goal)

whiffler: (noun) a person who frequently changes opinions or course;  a person who uses shifts and evasions in argument.

umbra: (noun) shadow/ darkness

calliopean: (adjective) piercingly loud

lackluster: (adjective) lacking in energy or vitality

procrustean bed: (noun) a plan or scheme to produce uniformity or conformity by arbitrary or violent methods.

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