Saturday, January 21, 2017

Ivy League Schools: A League of Their Own or Just Vain Illusion?!

The biggest and culminating events in most high schools in the U.S. are the commencement ceremony or the national honors society ceremony. On these days, the auditorium or the outdoor football field is filled with teachers of senior students, parents, and graduating students with a great big smile and the sense of achievement on their faces. As students were marching one by one to the stage to receive their official diploma or the national honor society badge, all the eyes present in the audience are following each and every one of the students and become all ears to the principal’s announcement of which colleges they are attending. In the middle of the ceremony, most people feel bored, sleepy, and distracted by text messaging on their cell phones. However, when the principal calls the name of so-called Ivy league colleges where a student is attending, lot of dozing heads in the audience stand up here and there, with their eyes wide-awake and start to scan the student from top to bottom looking askance at the kid.  It could be a feeling of jealousy, envy, doubt, admiration, …….or a sense of defeat for one’s child.

Then what does it mean to get admitted into top notch universities in the States? Would there be a royal road to enter those highly prestigious colleges? Finishing the undergraduate program at Ivy schools are the guaranteed tickets to prosperity after graduation? Sets of newly coined words such as tiger moms, helicopter moms or soccer moms, and even mower moms – who get rid of obstacles before their children march ahead (just like a lawnmower cuts off the long grass) – are telling that quite a lot of parents – especially mothers – have a high expectation and strong enthusiasm for their children’s education. They would follow everywhere their children go and do anything possible for their children’s success in education and career in the future. In most cases, the children of those education aficionadas tend to seek after Ivy school’s diploma in accordance with their parents’ characteristic wishes and thoughts that Harvard or Yale will certainly lead them to a rosy future. However, even if a kid fails in joining the top tier colleges, it will never be a debacle in his/her life. Their success in education does not mean a sudden spasm of excitement at the high school graduation ceremony or a license plate on which titular pride with “Ivy league” is engraved.
Without genuine passion for what they do, their future must be dicey even with Ivy diploma. It is simply because it is WHAT THEY TRULY ARE that makes them in a league of their own.

culminating: ultimate/ peak

national honors society: the National Honor Society (NHS) is the nationwide organization established to recognize outstanding high school students – who are considered higher than an honor roll- not only with good GPA but also with excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

to doze (off): to drowse/ to nap

to look askance at…:to look disapprovingly/ suspiciously at somebody

tiger moms/ helicopter moms/ mower moms: (normally referring to Asian mothers) very demanding and strict mothers who discipline and control their children for the purpose of achieving high level of academic success and prosperity

aficionado/aficionada: somebody who has passion/ enthusiasm/ and lots of knowledge about something

characteristic: typical

debacle: complete collapse/ failure

spasm of: a fit of something

titular: so-called/ name-only (used with somewhat negative connotations)

dicey: uncertain

in a league of one’s own: the best/ the one that stands out 

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