Monday, January 2, 2017

How long will your New Year Resolutions last?

The first month of a year always sounds so fresh and full of vitality. To most of us, it means a brand new start, an unbeaten springboard, or a clean slate upon which plans are ready to be written and get unfurled.

Running has been my matutinal activity for all those years. It means that running has become a staple part of my life. I’ve been running on tree-lined roads, tidy blacktops, technical trails, and recently in the quiet indoor track or on the treadmill (due to my pollen allergy in warmer seasons and snow in winter). Given the life style of mine, my new year resolutions normally include something related to running – such as  “I would like to boost my VO2 max this year”, “I will add relaxing yoga classes to help ease muscle pains”, or…….“I will resist the urge to run more each day just for the sake of injury prevention”, etc. etc. January and February are the most crowded time of year at the gym, which is filled with people whose passion to lose weight or keep fit seems foudroyant.  As time goes by, fewer and fewer exercisers are seen at the gym or on the road.

Everyone has his or her own goal for the New Year, but having an aim is one thing, continuously trying to achieve it is another. How about you guys out there? Are you unwavering in your faith to keep your New Year resolutions? Are you indefatigable in the effort to achieve your goals? Some may believe in the Korean proverb that goes “One’s decision cannot last more than three days”. Well, if that’s the case, let us just repeat the three-day resolutions over and over again. One day, when you take a gander at your past months, you’ll come to know that your new resolutions were not harebrained at all.
Happy new year to everybody!!!

-          matutinal: early in the morning/ relating to or occurring in the morning
-          blacktop: asphalt, paved road
-          VO2 max: the maximum amount or volume of oxygen your body can use during exercise VO2 max is the best measure of your running fitness
-          unwavering: steadfast, resolved, steady, firm
-          if that’s the case,…: given the facts you’ve just told/ in that case
-          to take a gander at: to look at …. / to stretch one’s neck to see….

-          Harebrained: reckless/ indiscreet/giddy

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