Friday, May 19, 2017

Letter from the democratic leader

I have been an ardent member of DCCC, and every year I have donated some small money to make a bit of contribution to the committee. Since Donald Trump and the GOP rose to power, a lot of achievements gained by Obama administration have been repealed and whiplashed. Here I share the letter I received from DCCC leader Nancy Pelosi.

The battle lines are drawn, and Donald Trump and the Republican Congress are, every day, attacking everything we accomplished over the past eight years. Destroy Medicare. Privatize Social Security. Dismantle the Affordable Care Act. Repeal Wall Street reform. Undo environmental safeguards. Restore the same trickle-down economies that ran over economy off a cliff in 2008. But, Congressional Democrats are fighting them every step of the way. We’re standing with the majority of Americans who reject Mr. Trump’s politics of fear, anger and resentment. We’re building an America based upon equality of opportunity and inclusion. We’re creating an economy that works for everyone, not just the well-connected few, and we’re fighting for policies and programs that protect the most vulnerable among us.
The House will be the front line for the coming fight with Trump Republicans. If we’re going to hold the line now and push back in the Congressional battles to come this year, I need your support. We’re not going to back down in the face of Trump-Republican attacks on the principles, values and ideals that form the foundation of the Democratic Party. We need to begin today building a powerful grassroots campaign that will restore a Democratic Majority to the House in 2018. A campaign that will continue to fight for an America where all people are treated equally and everyone, regardless of race, religion, ethnic or sexual identity, is given a chance to succeed. “

I firmly believe that the root of justice and genuine equality can only be achieved through the voice of commitment, NOT through a radical vision built on division and fear, resentment and hate.  


- DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

-      to rise to power: (verb) to attain or gain access to a new office or right or position

-      The battle lines are drawn.: (phrase) Conflict or argument is about to occur between opposing group or people.

-      to dismantle …: (verb) take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

-      trickle-down economy: (adjective)  A fairy tale told by Republicans (of an economic system) in which the poorest gradually benefit as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest. This economic theory is based on the idea that if rich people are given Uber-Welfare in the form of tax credits, that they may throw a few crumbs to the rest of us, which somehow benefits us (even though the crumbs we get don't equal the money we've handed over to the rich)

-      well-connected: (adjective) having social or professional relationships, especially with influential or powerful persons

-      the front line for….: (noun) the most important or influential position in a debate or movement.

-      to hold the line: (verb) not yield to the pressure of a difficult situation.

-      to back down: (verb) withdraw a claim or assertion in the face of opposition

-      in the face of…: (phrase) when confronted with…

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