Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Health Series #18. Matcha

It is natural to become physically weaker as one ages. However, it is possible to stay younger and healthier than your physical age by what you eat at your table every day. More and more medical research and studies have shown the medicinal properties and benefits of herbs and healthy diet.

As of this new year of 2024, let us stay healthy by looking into a variety of herbs one by one, their nutrition facts, and healthy diet so that we are able to lead a life with more confidence and constantly get ourselves back on track with aplomb even if we happen to deviate from the optimal state of health.


#18. Matcha

What is the first thing you drink when you get out of bed or before you get in your daily dose of workout? A cup of water might be the very first thing you drink to wake up your body. Some may say a cup of joe is their favorite cup of tea, while quite a few others may tell you to raise a cup or a mug of fresh green tea. Have you tried Matcha tea instead of commonly consumed loose-leaf green tea? Today’s health series presents a cup of refreshing Matcha tea for your ebullient day!


Matcha is a type of green tea that is somewhat different from the loose-leaf kind that you steep in hot water. Rather, it is in the form of powder made from young tea leaves of the 1. C________________ sinensis plant (the same plant that black and oolong tea come from). When you drink matcha, you are actually consuming the finely-ground leaves that are whisked into water. As a result, the benefits you get from sipping matcha are much more amplified than from regular green tea.


Green tea contains a type of a group called 2. poly____________________. "Matcha powder offers a megadose of these powerful 3. anti____________, such as Catechins, which can help reduce cell damage and prevent chronic disease. The vitamin C in matcha stimulates 4. Coll________________ production when ingested, and 5. vitamin _______ in Matcha can help promote healthy skin cell turnover, according to a study from the Advances in Skin & Wound Care journal.

Matcha powder is also a cornucopia of L-theanine, an amino acid that has been shown to reduce 6. ______________ and increase the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. A 2020 study published in the Journal Nutrients shows that drinking matcha on a daily basis may help slow 7. cog_________________ decline. That is because matcha is packed with vitamin K and lutein, both of which have been associated with improved 8. cog______________ functioning such as attention and memory.


Last but not least at all, matcha may be able to kill off Streptococcus pneumoniae, bacteria that can cause 9. pneu_________________. In addition, EGCG in matcha tea regularly can result in a significant reduction in 10. ______________ cholesterol (commonly known as the "bad" cholesterol).



*source from women’s health magazine



Answer Keys

    1.  Camellia

    2.  Polyphenols  

    3.  antioxidants

    4.  Collagen  

    5.  Vt C

    6.  stress

    7.  cognitive = 8. Cognitive

    9.  pneumonia

   10. LDL cholesterol



Acrostic poem using MATCHA by Jean J. Lee

Morning routine would be as healthy as can be

As you use this freshly brewed powder tea

Tasting a bit bitter but fresh enough

Calm and zen is found in your cup of Matcha

Hallowed place is right there near you

Auspicious vibe is going your way




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