Sunday, January 28, 2024

Herbs, Food Ingredients, and Health Series #4. Coconut Oil

Herbs, Food Ingredients, and Health

It is natural to become physically weaker as one ages. However, it is possible to stay younger and healthier than your physical age by what you eat at your table every day. More and more medical research and studies have shown the medicinal properties and benefits of herbs and healthy diet.

As of this new year of 2024, let us stay healthy by looking into a variety of herbs one by one, their nutrition facts, and healthy diet so that we are able to lead a life with more confidence and constantly get ourselves back on track with aplomb even if we happen to deviate from the optimal state of health.


#4. Let’s go cocoNUTS! 😉

Are you a big fan of tropical fruits? Afraid of too much sugar contained in most tropical fruits? Well, today we are going to explore the priceless benefits of this precious tropical fruit COCONUT, which is the edible fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), a tree of the palm family.

It has been argued that 1. ____________________, a component in coconut oil, may help boost levels of good cholesterol (i.e., HDL). Participants took 1 tablespoon of coconut oil twice daily for 8 weeks. The findings published in 2018 showed that extra virgin coconut oil’s impact on cholesterol may be similar to that of olive oil.

In addition, virgin coconut oil may have 2. ____________________ properties. Studies (lab experiments with rodents) revealed coconut oil reduces stress resulting from exercise and chronic cold. Researchers believe that virgin coconut oil could be useful in treating some kinds of 3. ________________.  Furthermore, coconut oil has 4. anti-______________ properties, which is the reason behind daily oral treatment called “oil-pulling” using coconut oil preventing/ easing pain inside your mouth (e.g., toothache or infections in gums)


**Caveat: In general, the less processed a food is, the more likely it is to offer health benefits, and the same is probably true of coconut oil.


Acrostic poem using COCONUT by Jean Lee


Celebrate your health

On your table

Captivating drupe

Obliging fruit

Nutty but not crazy

Unbeatable taste

Tender, loving, care



Interested in visiting/ consulting professional pharmacists at a wonderful compounding pharmacy in California? Here’s the link.

Compounding Pharmacy in Santa Ana, CA



Answer keys

    1.  MTCs (Medium-chain Triglycerides)

    2.  antioxidant

    3.  depression

    4.  inflammatory


Source from Medical News Today

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