Thursday, March 23, 2023

Spring has sprung! Let's take a load of some Spring terms.

No matter where we are standing or living through, Spring is in the air. Today, let’s just work on some Spring words.


    1.   What does SALUBRIOUS mean?

A.   slippery or slimy

B.   healthful

C.   abundant


    2.   Which of the following words means “to blossom”?

A.   languish

B.   disseminate

C.   effloresce


    3.   True or false? The word CHELIDONIAN is related to the arrival of swallows.

A.   true

B.   false


    4.   What does VERNAL mean?

A.   open to bribery

B.   pastoral

C.   youthful


    5.   Which of the following words means “relating to rainfall”?

A.   hyetal

B.   clarion

C.   irriguous


    6.   True or false? RISORGIMENTO refers to a period of European cultural revival after the medieval era.

     A.   True

     B.   False


    7.   What does PULLULATE mean?  

     A.   to yank or tug

     B.   to sprout

     C.   to warm


    8.   Which of the following words means “a bud or sprout”?

A.          burgeon

B.          sturgeon

C.          petiole



** source from


Answer Keys

1.  B. healthful

2.  C. effloresce

3.  A. true

4.  C. youthful

5.  A. hyetal

6.  B. false

7.  B. to sprout

8.  A. burgeon

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