Sunday, January 31, 2021

Time to play the NPR puzzle! Find the common word that fits in a pair of phrases.

Every answer today is a pair of phrases in the form of "___ of ___," where the phrases can end in two ways. I'll give you the two ways those phrases can end. You give me the starting word. Every starting word is five letters long. Ready to play?


Ex. Bread / Life --> SLICE (slice of bread, slice of life)

1. Way / First refusal

2. Mind / The Union

3. Purchase / The pudding

4. Wheat / The crop

5. Cards / Representatives

6. Paper / Cake

7. View / No return

8. May / All

9. Golf / Applause

10. Sheba / Hearts

11. Mind / Music


Answer Keys

    1.  right   (right of way, right of first refusal)

    2.  state  (state of mind, state of the union)

    3.  proof (proof of purchase, proof of pudding)

    4.  cream (cream of wheat, cream of the crop)

    5.  house (house of cards, house of representatives

    6.  piece (piece of paper, piece of cake)

    7.  point  (point of view, point of no return)

    8.  first (first of May, first of all)

    9.  round (round of golf, round of applause)

   10.   queen (queen of Sheba, queen of hearts)

   11.   sound (sound of mind, sound of music)

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