Monday, January 25, 2021

NPR Weekend On-air Challenge of Sunday Puzzle (from yesterday)

It is time to play to puzzle created by the puzzle master Will Shortz from NPR! Every answer today is a word or name that sounds like it starts with two spoken letters of the alphabet.


Example: Wanting what other people have --> ENVIOUS (N-V-ous)


1. Place for camels to drink

2. Capital of Austria

3. Try to be like as a role model

4. Boredom

5. 9 x 9

6. Activity of secret agents

7. One involved in trickery

[Each of the last answers starts with three spoken letters of the alphabet]

8. Following orders

9. Online travel agency that competes with Travelocity

10. [Fill in the blank:] "___, my dear Watson"


<Answer Keys>

    1.  oasis (O, A)

    2.  Vienna (V, N)

    3.  emulate (M, U)

    4.  tedium (T, D)

    5.  eighty one (A, T)

    6.  espionage (S, P)

    7.  deceiver (D, C)

    8.  obedience (O, B)

    9.  expedia (X, P)

    10. elementary (L, E)

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