Friday, March 17, 2017

Life is filled with a lot of Curveballs, but ……

Are you a firm believer of “living to the fullest of your potential“ reassured by Joel Osteen? Otherwise, you might be a constant grumbler who is sold on the idea of the adage of Murphy’s law that goes “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!”  

No matter how we define or look at “the journey called life we are going through” (as the pop icon Prince had put it), there is no way we can avoid all different kinds of life’s challenges and obstacles. Yes, life can be filled with a fusillade of curveballs and grueling upslopes to overcome. Quite often times, crocodilian niceties given to us by two-faced fellas leave mortal wounds in life. Some other times, promises would turn into an empty talk or an illusion of a lotus-eater. The harsh reality that life is filled with a lot of curveballs can make us bitterly listless or hopeless.

I know some of you out there are in the middlescence, going through so called ‘midlife crisis’ when nothing in the world quite makes you impressed or enamored. But wait a second before you dig yourself into a hole by self-pity. We’ve got another day named “tomorrow” that gives a possibility for us to make things better and feel better! As long as we are determined to get up and move on, nothing in the world can defeat us. It might not because we are invincible, but rather that we are reconcilable and flexible. Got tired of connecting the dots in life each time you face hardships? Let us just live here and now instead of trying to reach for a big “tried-and-true” picture of our entire life through processing bits of difficulties at every corner. It is simply because YOU are the owner and leader of your life, NOT the vice versa. If it feels like “life” is taking the wind out of your sails, drop the thought that “life sucks” and say “BRING IT ON! I’ve got another day!”

adage: (noun) a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth.

Murphy’s Law: (noun) an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong

a fusillade of something: (phrase) a simultaneous or continuous discharge of/ a series of…..

curveballs: (noun; figurative meaning) something which is unexpected, surprising, or disruptive.

crocodilian: (adjective; figurative meaning) hypocritical; insincere.

mortal wound: (noun) severe and serious injury (almost always a form of penetration or laceration) whether accidental or inflicted intentionally (by either suicide or homicide), which leads directly to the death of the victim.

lotus-eater: (noun) a lazy person devoted to pleasure and luxury

middlescence: (noun) a portmanteau of middle-aged and adolescence/senescence used to describe restless, middle-aged baby boomers (ranging from age 35-60) who deal with the negatives of frustration, burnout, boredom, confusion and alienation

to connect the dots: (idiomatic expression; figurative meaning) a metaphor to illustrate an ability (or inability) to associate one idea with another, to find the "big picture", or salient feature, in a mass of data.

tried-and-true: (adjective) trustworthy/ dependable

to take the wind out of somebody’s sail: (idiomatic expression) to rob …. of an advantage; deflate

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