It is a known fact that health matters the most in our
lives. When you feel ill or under the weather while traveling (or living) in a
country where English is spoken as their mother language, you might feel
frustrated or panicky with your lack of English expressions. Here’s a list of
how you would express your feelings or physical symptoms in English. Hope that
두통 (깨질듯한 두통)이 있다: I
have a (splitting) headache.
편두통이 있다: I have a migraine.
머리가 계속 욱신욱신 쑤시고 아프다: My
head won’t stop pounding.
머리가 어질어질하다 (현기증): I feel lightheaded/ I feel
dizzy/ woozy.
Flu Symptoms(for nose/ear and more)
열이 높다: I have a high fever./ I’m running a fever (of 103
(꽃가루 등으로 인해) 알러지 증세가 있다.: I
have hay fever./ I have sinus symptoms.
콧물이 난다: I have a runny nose.
코가 막힌다.: I have a stuffy nose.
목이 아프다 (인후염): I have a sore throat./ I guess my tonsils are
swollen./ I have a strep throat (which is caused by bacteria called streptococcus.)
목이 쉬었다: I have a frog in my throat./ I have hoarseness.
계속 재채기를 한다: I
keep sneezing.
기침할 때 쌔액 쌔액 소리가 난다: I have a wheezing cough.
귀가 울린다/ 욱신 욱신 쑤신다.: My ears are popping/ throbbing.
귀가 잘 안들린다: I
can hardly hear well.
눈이 따갑다: I have a stinging/ burning/ scratchy sensation in my
눈이 건조해서 눈물이 고인다: My eyes get watery due to dryness.
눈이 잘 안보인다: My
vision gets blurred.
눈 주변에 눈꼽이 낀다: I have stringy
mucus in or around my eyes./ My eyes
get gooey.
눈이 부시다: I have sensitivity to light.
렌즈를 착용하면 눈이 충혈된다: My eyes get red when I wear contacts.
& Joints
온몸이 쑤시고 저리다: My
body aches all over.
운동으로 인해서 허벅지 뒤 근육이 아프다: My hamstrings are pulled/ tight/ sore.
발목을 삐어서 부었다: I
sprained my ankles, and they got swollen.
목과 어깨가 뻣뻣하고 아프다: I have stiff neck and shoulders.
관절염 증세가 또 시작되는 것 같다: My arthritis is acting up.
허리에 극심하게 찌르는 듯한 통증이 있다: I have a sharp pain (or jolt) in my low back.
근육에 경련이 있다/ 쥐가 난다: I have a spasm or cramps in my muscles/ I feel a kink
in my muscles.
손/발이 부었다.: My hands/ feet are swollen.
달리기를 너무 많이 해서 발톱이 빠졌다: My toenails have fallen off due to running too much.
(오른) 팔이 부러져 깁스를 해야한다: I broke my right arm and it needs to be in plasters/
plaster cast.
mouth/ teeth
구내염이 생겼다: I got a canker sore.
충치 땜질한 것이 빠졌다:My cavity filling has fallen out.
잇몸에서 피가 난다: My
gums are bleeding.
부분/전체 틀니가 잘 안맞는다: My partial/ whole denture does not fit in.
치아가 세로로/ 가로로 쪼개졌거나 금이 갔다:
There is a horizontal/ vertical crack in my tooth.
자면서 이를 계속 간다: I keep grinding my teeth while sleeping.
밤에 치아 보호대를 착용하고 잔다: I
wear a night guard at night.
& Bowel Movement
배가 아프다/ 소화가 안된다: I
have an upset stomach. /I have dyspepsia.
변비가 생겼다: I’ve been getting constipated.
설사를 한다: I have diarrhea because of what I ate last night.
속이 메슥거린다: I feel nauseated./ nauseous.
구토를 할 것 같다: I feel like vomiting or throwing up.
속이 쓰리다: I have a heartburn.
속이 더부룩하다 (복부 팽만감): I
feel bloated.
배에 가스가 차고 계속 방귀가 나온다: I
feel gassy in my stomach and keep
passing gas.
숨이 차다/ 호흡하기가 힘들다: I
am short of breath./ I have trouble breathing./ My breathing has become
흉통이 있다: I have chest pain.
심장 박동이 크게 느껴진다: I feel and hear my own palpitation.
기침할 때 가래가 나온다: I cough up phlegm.
피부가 가렵다: My skin itches.
피부가 (옷등에) 쓸려서 쓰라리다: My
skin hurts because of the chafe.
피부 각질이 일어난다: My
skin gets flaky.
피부 탄력이 떨어졌다: My
skin has lost its elasticity and firmness.
두드러기가 났다: I have a rash.
(아기가 피부에 발진이나 염증이 난 경우) : The baby has
diaper rash.
피부 여기 저기에 멍이 들다: I
have bruises.
햇볕에 그을려 따갑다: I
got sunburnt.
피부에 큰 점이 생겼다: I’ve gotten a big mole on my skin.
melanoma: 악성 흑색종)
손가락을 크게 베었다/ 살짝 베었다: I cut my finger. It’s a major cut/ minor cut.
손가락에 가시가 박혔다: I
got a sliver in my finger.
소변이 자주 마렵다: I
go pee a hundred times. / too frequently
소변이 탁하다: My urine color is cloudy or murky.
소변에 거품이 있다: My
urine is foamy.
요도염에 걸렸다: I have UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).
Problems & Fatigue
밤에 두세번은 잠에서 깬다: I wake up a couple of times throughout the night.
최근에 잠을 제대로 잘 못자고 있다: I haven’t been sleeping well lately.
최근에 너무 과로를 해서 몸상태가 좋지 않다: I
have been working too hard and feeling run-down/ under the weather.
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