Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Time to play the puzzle! Get a 5-letter common word by adding 2 letters to each given initials!

For years I've been playing a "License Plate Game" when I've been with someone in a car. To play, you need to be in a state where most of the license plates have three letters —which many do. One of you calls out a set of letters from a nearby car. The object is to think of the shortest common, uncapitalized word that contains those letters in left-to-right order — not necessarily consecutively. Let's say the letters on a plate are NFT. Someone might call out BENEFIT, in seven letters.  But that can be beaten by INFANT, in six letters. That in turn can be beaten by NIFTY, in five. In today's puzzle, I'll give you some sets of three letters. For each one, add two letters anywhere to complete a common, uncapitalized five-letter word.


    1.  VCR

    2.  GTO

    3.  CNN

    4.  CIA

    5.  NSA

    6.  PGA

    7.  HMO

    8.  RBI




Answer Keys

    1.  ViCaR  (by adding i & a to VCR)


    2.  GaToR (by adding a & o to GTS) or GusTO (by adding u & s to GTO)


    3.  CaNoN (by adding a & o to CNN) or CaNNy (by adding a & y to CNN)


    4.  CIgAr (by adding g & r to CIA) or ChInA (by adding h & n to CIA)


    5.  NaSAl (by adding a & l to NSA)


    6.  PeGAn (by adding e & n to PGA)


    7.  HuMOr (by adding u & r to HMO)


    8.  oRBIt (by adding o & t to RBI)  or RaBbI (by adding a & b to RBI)

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