Monday, July 29, 2024

Time to play the puzzle from NPR Sunday On-air Challenge!

I'm going to give you two six-letter words. Put the same pair of letters in front of each one to get two common eight-letter words.


Ex. Airway, Ranger  -->  Stairway and Stranger


    1.   Parent, Petite

    2.   Option, Equate

    3.   Crease, Fringe

    4.   Rocket, Inning

    5.   Median, Gently

    6.   Vision, Stance

    7.   Editor, Edible

    8.   Lament, Reside

    9.   Berate, Feline


Answer Keys

    1.  apparent, appetite

    2.  adoption, adequate

    3.  increase, infringe

    4.  sprocket, spinning

    5.  comedian, cogently

    6.  division, distance

    7.  creditor, credible

    8.  filament, fireside

    9.  liberate, lifeline

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