Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How are you all holding up througout this hot season?

July is named to honor Roman dictator Julius Caesar (100 B.C. – 44 B.C.). In 46 B.C., Julius Caesar made one of his greatest contributions to history: With the help of Sosigenes, he developed the Julian calendar, the precursor to the Gregorian calendar that we use today.

Do you like sizzling summer time? As temperatures spike, how can you bet the heat? From closing blinds to using a fan (not just A/C), here are tips for keeping your body cool during these hot summer months.

In case of power outages, rolling blackouts, or brownouts that knock out cooling systems during the hottest days of summer, here are a few tips for staying cool(er).


   1.  Exterior shutters and blinds keep the heat out. At night, open the screened windows to allow cross-v_____________ throughout the house with cooler nighttime temperatures.  

   2.  Close shades and curtains during the day to prevent the inside of the house and its furnishings from absorbing solar __________t.   

   3.  Don’t use the o_________ in your kitchen. Turn off everything with a mo______ (e.g., stove, dryer, etc) generates heat.

   4.  Keep a spray bottle of cool __________r handy to mist your face and neck from time to time. Don’t forget to spray it on your pets!

   5.  Stay well- h_________________ by drinking plenty of fluids. Eat (choose: smaller  or  bigger) meals in hot weather to reduce the heat produced by metabolic activity within your body.

   6.  Avoid drinking ______________ol in hot days. Also, you need to cut back on c______________ which raises your body temperature. Remember that sodas, sports drinks, and many nonprescription drugs also have _______________.

   7.  Indulge in sp________________ food. If you can handle it, dressing up your summer meals with jalapenos, curries, and wasabi will induce sweating, particularly on your face and neck, and you’ll feel cooler.

8.  Do not ex_____________ outdoors in hot weather. If you must, take it very easy and work out in the cooler hours of early morning.

   9.  If you feel faint, lie down and raise your ________gs above your head. Try to get to a cool area and drink fluids as soon as possible.

   10.  Freeze a couple of old pair of so________ filled with rice or small beans and place them at the foot of your bed between the sheets to cool you to sleep at night.


Answer Keys

   1.  ventilation

   2.  heat

   3.  oven, motor

   4.  water

   5.  hydrated

   6.  alcohol, caffeine

   7.  spicy

   8.  exercise

   9.  legs

   10.  socks


*source from the old farmer’s almanac 2024.

Let us stay cool and healthy throughout thes scorching heatwaves!

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