Monday, February 26, 2024


Herbs, Food Ingredients, and Health

It is natural to become physically weaker as one ages. However, it is possible to stay younger and healthier than your physical age by what you eat at your table every day. More and more medical research and studies have shown the medicinal properties and benefits of herbs and healthy diet.

As of this new year of 2024, let us stay healthy by looking into a variety of herbs one by one, their nutrition facts, and healthy diet so that we are able to lead a life with more confidence and constantly get ourselves back on track with aplomb even if we happen to deviate from the optimal state of health.


#8. Walnuts

Are you a nut lover? Eating unsalted nuts is one good way to keep yourselves healthy in many ways. Today, we are going to crack walnuts!


Walnuts are one of the richest dietary sources of antioxidants. These include ellagic acid, ellagitannins, catechin, and the neurohormone called

1. __________________ which helps regulate your 2. ________________ rhythm (i.e., your body’s internal clock). People commonly use this neurohormone for sleep disorders, such as insomnia and jet lag.


Walnuts are also rich in healthy fats. They may reduce 3. ______________ disease and cancer risk, as well as improve brain function and possibly slow the progression of 4. ________________’s disease (i.e., dementia).

Adverse effects and individual concerns


In general, walnuts are considered very healthy, but some people need to avoid them due to 5.____________________. Walnuts are among the eight most allergenic foods. Symptoms of a walnut allergy are typically severe and can include allergic shock called 6. ________________________, which can be fatal without treatment. Therefore, individuals with a walnut allergy certainly need to make sure that these nuts are not included in spread, sauce, pies or cakes to avoid life-threatening shocks.


**Source from


Answer Keys

    1.  Melatonin

    2.  Circadian

    3.  Cardiovascular

    4.  Alzheimer’s

    5.  Allergies

    6.  Anaphylaxis



Acrostic poem using WALNUT by Jean J. Lee

Wholesome bits of afternoon snack

Addition of joy to your bowl of muesli

Luscious dessert coated in a hint of honey

Nourishing staple that steals the show at Thanksgiving dinner

Unique shape that resembles human brain

Tasty and trustworthy ingredient for cookies and pies  

If you’re interested in consulting your health with professional pharmacists, check this out!

Santa Ana Tustin Compounding Pharmacy

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