Saturday, December 30, 2023

Jean's New Year Greetings to You All with a piece of Poem

 Ode to 2024

by Jean J. Lee


I pray 2024 will see no more pernicious fighting

   and no more suffering of death en masse.

Those who have taken others’ lives that were crying

   should face the moment they regret their past as bold as brass.


I hope 2024 will offer us all a cromulent life that is bright

   so we could smile at least once a day

   or crack up friends with a coruscating wit on a chilly night

   and find a way to keep all our worries at bay.


I want 2024 to help us realize, as long as we are on guard for one another,

  holding tight and never let go,

No one would feel abandoned in the dark but discover

  the light that shines and hides their pentimento.


I wish 2024 a year of a modicum of happiness that feels like a post-run shower orange, a hot bowl of soup on a snowy day, and a jolly discussion among funny and disparate group of friends. Happy, healthy, peaceful, and prosperous new year to you all.


  1. Love poem.
    Wish we could have a peacefull 2024. Al the crime and wars is so depressing

  2. Indeed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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