Thursday, December 21, 2023

Christmas Trivia Quiz!!!

Although the world is not in festive mood today, Christmas is still coming along.  Even unkempt front yards could be transmogrified into an eye-catching spot of jollification at this time of year. Here are some Christmas trivia questions. Let’s just see how much we know about Christmas.


    1.   Which country had the first Christmas tree as a tradition?


    2.   In which James Bond film is there a character called Dr. Christmas Jones?


    3.   Christmas Island is the external territory of which country?


    4.   Which former president of the United States has a cameo in the film “Home Alone 2?”


    5.   The tradition of sending Christmas cards began in _________.

 A) 1800 B) 1843 C) 1900 D) 1919


    6.   True or false: Mince pies, in their original form, contained meat?


    7.   Elton John headlined Glastonbury this year. What is the name of his most famous Christmas song?


    8.   What is the name of the family dog in The Simpsons - adopted on Christmas Eve?


    9.   In Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol,” what was Mr. Scrooge’s first name?


    10. The oldies but goodies movie “Miracle on the 34th Street” (in which 8-year-old Natalie Wood co-starred) centers on what real-life department store?


    11.  “Mele Kalikimaka” means “Merry Christmas” in what language?


    12. What word for “Christmas” or “a Christmas Carol” was borrowed from French?



Answer Keys

    1.  Germany

    2.  “The World Is Not Enough” (1999)

    3.  Australia

    4.  Donald Trump (the scene was in Trump Tower)

    5.  B. 1843

    6.  True

    7.  “Step Into Christmas”

    8.  Santa’s Little Helper

    9.  Ebenezer

    10. Macy’s

    11. Hawaiian

    12.  Noel



*source from   & 

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