Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Find two words in each given sentence that sound like to other words of synonyms! (The Latest NPR Word Puzzle)

Here are some sentences. In each one, find two words that sound like to other words that are synonyms.


Example: I can pare an apple, too. => "pair & two"


1. My dog's paws got stuck under the cars break.


2. Today's spelling lesson is about words with silence "e's".


3. In India, several lower castes are in the throes of change.


4. The wild hare has a hankering for bagels and lox.


5. After his shift ended, the worker hied to the bank to cash his paycheck.


6. The seamstress would vary the way she'd sewed.




Answer Keys

1.  “paws & break” (sound like “pause and brake”)

2.  “lesson & e’s” (sound like “lesson and ease”)

3.  “throes & castes”)

4.  “hare & lox” (sound like “hair and locks”)

5.  “hied and cash” (sound like “hide and cache”)

6.  “vary and sew” (sound like “very and so”)

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