Monday, August 14, 2023

Time to play the Sunday Puzzle from NPR On-Air Challenge!

Each sentence below has two blanks. Change the first letter of the word that goes in the first blank to QU- to get the word that goes in the second blank.


Ex. The ducks in our ____ yard ____ a lot. --> BACK, QUACK


1. After jogging, I sat on a park ____ with a sports drink to ____ my thirst.

2. The price of a ____ of oil to the exact penny is not something to ____ about.

3. How many blocks of limestone can a railcar ____ from a ____?

4. The chef's ____ in the world of cooking was making ____ Lorraine.

5. If you haven't heard about a manuscript you submitted months ago, it would be ____smart to ____your editor.

6. The ____ was two members short of a ____ to conduct business.

7. The witty writer was most ____ for being eminently ____.

8. The words "____" and "____" both mean to exhibit unsteadiness.


Answer Keys

1.  bench, quench

2.  barrel, quarrel

3.  carry, quarry

4.  niche, quiche

5.  very, query

6.  forum, quorum

7.  notable, quotable

8.  waver, quaver

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Play and practice with Vocab!

Today, let me give you some sentences with blanks. Try to fill in the blanks with proper words (using the hints given) so that each one make...