Monday, August 28, 2023

Time to play the latest Sunday Puzzle from NPR! Let's find a word in a word!

Every answer today is the name of a U.S. city, which consists of one word inside another. (It might be a bit hard to find the answer if you are not familiar with the U.S. cities, though.)

Ex. Was in first place [inside] Also / Ohio --> TO(LED)O


1. Back of the foot [inside] Part of a bird / West Virginia


2. Where to save money [inside] Expositions / Alaska


3. Earth [inside] Spanish for gold / Florida


4. Cuban revolutionary [inside] List of players / New York & Minnesota


5. Small songbird [inside] Frilly fabric / Massachusetts & Kansas


Answer Keys

1.  Wheeling (heel inside wing)

2.  Fairbanks (bank inside fairs)

3.  Orlando (land inside oro)

4.  Rochester (che inside roster)

5.  Lawrence (wren inside lace)

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