Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Dr. Jedidiah's Diary Episode #57. You Are Beautiful

Dr. Jedidiah’s Diary

Dr. Jedidiah is a psychiatrist who loves traveling, meeting new people, and exploring different cultures. As a single father who lost his wife to drug overdose 10 years ago, he has not been his old perky self for the last decade. During those hard years, he has met hundreds of, thousands of people from various walks of life around all over the world. Meeting new people and listening to their stories outside his office have given him different feelings from the ones through the formal encounter groups or being truly honest with himself. Here is Dr. Jedidiah’s monologue that has left him with some food for thoughts in life….or a fodder to justify his own mistakes in the past.


Episode 57. You Are Beautiful

Steve always looked perfectly presentable not only in our therapy sessions, but even in the sweaty tennis court on a lazy Sunday afternoon as well. Either in a casual rally or in a very competitive match, Steve would give out effulgent aura all the time while every other player was running on fumes and soaked to the skin in sweat. From the first time I met him, I could tell he must have been in show biz or engaged in fashion or beauty industry. His facial skin looked smooth and shiny like that of a porcelain doll, and his big almond eyes were neatly lined with some sweatproof black liner, I guessed. One day, he asked me if I was available for a new patient in my office for about a month or two. I automatically said yes, even though I had been fully booked. I found myself kind of stoked at the thought of seeing a very interesting person on a regular basis. Maybe I had been waiting for the moment he asked me for a therapy session. I knew the time to explore and study this man in my office would not be felt an onerous duty as a shrink at all.


“Dr. J, I’m so glad I met you in our tennis club. Thanks for having me in your office.” said Steve with a bright smile on his speckless face. He knew that I was staring at his face although he was looking outside the window. “I know what’s on your mind, Dr. J. You think I’m freaky wacko or something, ain’t you? Haha…”  I was embarrassed with his abrupt and straightforward question, but pretended that I wasn’t, saying “No,….no, you’re wrong. I’ve always been wondering if….you are in the field of beauty industry or designing apparel. Am I making sense to you? I mean..you look dandy and snazzy all the time.”  Steve gave me a bitter smile and then looked a bit disappointed. He said he had been very successful as a makeup artist and launched his own brand of cosmetics, but so hurt inside throughout the years even after his passion and career had been viewed as palmary success. There was no need to ask him what hurt him so much, because I was able to read what he meant. Awkward silence filled the air inside my office for minutes, and Steve broke the heavy quiet by saying “I am gay. I haven’t hided it, and that has caused many people I used to adore to gradually estrange themselves from me. They were smiling in my presence and fustigating me for not being straight. I thought I was their friend no matter what I am or who I was. Would that matter to you, Dr. J? Please help me before I reach a point of becoming suicidal.”


Steve and I are still tight, knowing each other inside out, sharing good and bad times, and even making lighthearted jokes about our friendship between a gay or a straight guy. I look forward to playing tennis with Steve on Sundays. He is way better than me in every game, and I am so willing to hail him as a winner in his life as well as a beautiful gay man. Steve's winsome smile at the tennis court does not hold back any dark, sad secrets anymore. His porcelain skin and sleek eyelines are telling me so, exuding the inexpressible happiness from within. 


* If you want to listen to Christina Aguillera’s song “Beautiful”, visit here at stubbarnir’s youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoYEQgG4-JY&ab_channel=stubbarnir


Picture Source: https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/307159637083708351/ 


   1.  rally: a sequence of back and forth shots between players, within a point in tennis


   2.  effulgent: radiant; shining brightly


   3.  to run on fumes: to be very tired; to work in the state of lowest energy or fuel


   4.  stoked: excited


   5.  onerous: (of a task, duty, or responsibility) involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome


   6.  wacko: crazy/ insane


   7.  palmary: deserving to have the palm of victory or success; praiseworthy


   8.  to fustigate …: to criticize severely


   9.  to be tight: close and chummy with each other

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