Monday, March 1, 2021

Let's play the word puzzle from NPR Weekend Edition (aired yesterday)!!!

Wanna test your ability to find an English word with clues? Here’s the latest word puzzle from NPR Weekend Edition by the great puzzle master Will Shortz. Today's puzzle is called A++. With given clues for two things, say what they are. Then put the letter "A" at the start to make a word.


Example: Prohibition / Mafia chief --> ABANDON (a + ban + don)


1. Hydroelectric facility / Insect that scurries


2. Old horse / Male sheep


3. Hot dog holder / Waltz or minuet


4. Where a scientist works / Fall flower


5. Untruth / Country or land


6. Colorado ski resort / Skill



<Answer Keys>


    1.  adamant (a + dam + ant)


    2.  anagram (a + nag + ram)


    3.  abundance (a + bun + dance)


    4.  alabaster (a + lab + aster)


    5.  alienation (a + lie + nation)


    6.  availability (a + vail + ability)

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