Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Celebrating the African American History Month

 12 years ago, the United States of America welcomed the first African American president, Mr. Barack Obama as the leader. He was not a politician whose life could be filled with megalomania, but rather a man who had been there living in the less privileged circumstances and dreaming of a true change in this nation. February is the Black History Month in the States, and today I reminisce the emotion we all had back in the year of 2009.

On the Day When America’s Dream Came True


written by Jean Jiyoung Lee on January 20, 2009

(on the day of 44th Presidential Inauguration)


Who could ever let go of this day’s spirit in history?

Who would forget this shout of glee?

Myriads of tearful but joyful eyes are watching this man of strong conviction,

Believing he will make all the changes that have been no more than fiction.

Unforgettable excitement and energy fill the air.

All the people of different races, origins, and cultures give an embracing smile to one another, not a hostile glare.

Glory is all yours and mine.

The new wind of change today seems so divine.

Praying that the sacred promise of this faithful president will unite us all,

We teach our young ones to stand proud and tall.

Since the justice we’ve dreamt has seen the light of day,

The ultimate peace and harmony in this nation are already on their way.

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