Sunday, January 31, 2021

Time to play the NPR puzzle! Find the common word that fits in a pair of phrases.

Every answer today is a pair of phrases in the form of "___ of ___," where the phrases can end in two ways. I'll give you the two ways those phrases can end. You give me the starting word. Every starting word is five letters long. Ready to play?


Ex. Bread / Life --> SLICE (slice of bread, slice of life)

1. Way / First refusal

2. Mind / The Union

3. Purchase / The pudding

4. Wheat / The crop

5. Cards / Representatives

6. Paper / Cake

7. View / No return

8. May / All

9. Golf / Applause

10. Sheba / Hearts

11. Mind / Music


Answer Keys

    1.  right   (right of way, right of first refusal)

    2.  state  (state of mind, state of the union)

    3.  proof (proof of purchase, proof of pudding)

    4.  cream (cream of wheat, cream of the crop)

    5.  house (house of cards, house of representatives

    6.  piece (piece of paper, piece of cake)

    7.  point  (point of view, point of no return)

    8.  first (first of May, first of all)

    9.  round (round of golf, round of applause)

   10.   queen (queen of Sheba, queen of hearts)

   11.   sound (sound of mind, sound of music)

Monday, January 25, 2021

NPR Weekend On-air Challenge of Sunday Puzzle (from yesterday)

It is time to play to puzzle created by the puzzle master Will Shortz from NPR! Every answer today is a word or name that sounds like it starts with two spoken letters of the alphabet.


Example: Wanting what other people have --> ENVIOUS (N-V-ous)


1. Place for camels to drink

2. Capital of Austria

3. Try to be like as a role model

4. Boredom

5. 9 x 9

6. Activity of secret agents

7. One involved in trickery

[Each of the last answers starts with three spoken letters of the alphabet]

8. Following orders

9. Online travel agency that competes with Travelocity

10. [Fill in the blank:] "___, my dear Watson"


<Answer Keys>

    1.  oasis (O, A)

    2.  Vienna (V, N)

    3.  emulate (M, U)

    4.  tedium (T, D)

    5.  eighty one (A, T)

    6.  espionage (S, P)

    7.  deceiver (D, C)

    8.  obedience (O, B)

    9.  expedia (X, P)

    10. elementary (L, E)

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Dr. Jedidiah's Diary Episode #52. The Way Erin Goes

Dr. Jedidiah’s Diary

Dr. Jedidiah is a psychiatrist who loves traveling, meeting new people, and exploring different cultures. As a single father who lost his wife to drug overdose 10 years ago, he has not been his old perky self for the last decade. During those hard years, he has met hundreds of, thousands of people from various walks of life around all over the world. Meeting new people and listening to their stories outside his office have given him different feelings from the ones through the formal encounter groups or support groups for therapy. These people he has accidentally come across were the paths through which Dr. Jedidiah could look back on his own life, being truly honest with himself. Here is Dr. Jedidiah’s monologue that has left him with some food for thoughts in life….or a fodder to justify his own mistakes in the past.


Episode 52. The Way Erin Goes

Erin said she was ready to leave. Leaving her shiny position of restaurateur, proud membership of a posh hotel fitness club, circle of socialites, and…her beloved children behind for good now. I could tell how fed up she was with all those years of mammonism, epicurism, and the picture-perfect smiles that she had to put on her face even when her business acumen and entrepreneurship were doubted and flogged by the press now and then. She thought she needed a change, which would feel like breathing in fresh air after years and years of staying cooped up in an enclosed room filled with stench. Her droopy eyes told me so. When I asked her what she meant she’d leave all that, she said “Divorce…with my life”.


I met Erin and her rich friends at the hotel gym back when I used to be engrossed in playing tennis and racquet ball with my fellow doctors. Since my friends and I were not much of a big fan of dramatic greetings or showing all the niceties of decorum, the la-di-da vibe of Erin’s circle of friends felt way too cringy and unbearably shallow to us. They always looked spiffy and relaxed without any concerns about life. However, I often sensed a hint of annoyance appearing between the eyes of Erin’s. It seemed to me that Erin was like a flocculant in the water filled with sediments of the decadent rich. Each time she put down her friends’ snobbish remarks, Erin was frowned upon by them. I heard one of them saying in low voice that Erin would be better to be placed in some other space she conceived and dreamed of. After our racquet ball session on Sunday mornings, Erin seemed to be hurrying out the court. I hadn’t got a chance to ask her where she was headed for so hastily. On her way out, she always looked the brightest like a little girl who’s giddy about finding lots of Christmas gifts under the tree.


A few years later, I found out she had been visiting nursing homes and assistant living facilities every Sunday with a bunch of goodie bags full of her restaurant’s signature oatmeal coconut cookies and ginger root jellies for the ailing seniors. Her goodie bags had nothing bad for health. Even the drinks were not cheap belly wash, but packs of wholesome beverage such as Asian Kombucha or organic burdock tea. She found the ultimate happiness in giving what she got to those ageing and ailing seniors. Her donations and the act of charity funding for those who scratched a living on the periphery had been silently done, because Erin was never interested in becoming a cause célèbre by the public for any reason.


As the pandemic started to sweep the whole world, the nursing homes had lost so many of their senior residents and come to the point of closing. To make matters worse, Erin was devastated to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, stage IV. That’s when she came to see me at my clinic, looking pale but somewhat determined to do something at the same time. She asked me if I could introduce her to an M.D. in Hawaii who would help her leave in peace. I was lost for words. Erin went on to say that she was perfectly happy and emotionally stable. Most of all, she told me she never rued the life she had lived. She wished to end her own life peacefully, looking out the window, savoring the balmy breeze and fluffy clouds in the sky. “Dr. J, I have seen people enjoying food and drinks at my restaurant all my life, and now it is my turn to go with gusto, isn’t it?.” She winked at me with a big smile. I felt bitter taste inside my mouth and dismayed at myself flipping through the contact pages in my head for some M.D. friends I have in Hawaii who could help Erin leave.


(*picture source:



    1.  restaurateur: a person who owns and manages a restaurant


    2.  mammonism: the greedy pursuit of riches


    3.  acumen: the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain.


    4.  to be flogged: to be criticized


    5.  niceties: a fine detail or distinction, especially one regarded as intricate and fussy


    6.  decorum: etiquette/ behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety


    7.  flocculant: a substance which promotes the clumping of particles, especially one used in treating waste water.


    8.  to put down: to disapprove…/ to criticize ….


    9.  bellywash: soft drinks


    10.              to scratch a living on the periphery: earn only just enough money to live


    11.              cause célèbre: a controversial issue that attracts a great deal of public attention.


    12.              to rue …: to bitterly regret ….

Monday, January 18, 2021

Time to play the puzzle!!! (created by NPR's puzzle master Will Shortz)

Time to play the puzzle from yesterday’s NPR on-air challenge! Below are some clues. The answer to each one is one of the words in the clue with its vowel sound changed.


Example: What fish bite --> BAIT (the word "bite" with the long-I sound changed to a long-A)


1. Not day


2. It's made by moistening dirt


3. Jacket part that covers the head


4. Item that's sowed in a garden


5. The opposite of feast


6. Fail to hit a ball in fair territory


7. Painful illness you get in your joints


8. What kickboxers fight with


9. What might surround a castle


10. What a used towel is


11. [Fill in the blank:] Man in the ___



12. [Fill in the blank:] Last but not ___

Answer Keys

    1.  night

    2.  mud

    3.  hood

    4.  seed

    5.  fast

    6.  foul

    7.  gout

    8.  feet

    9.  moat

    10. wet

    11. moon

    12. least

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Love eating? Join the club.

Are you a type of person who eats to live or lives to eat? Are you exercising to eat or eating just to fuel yourself to work out? Whatever you are, we all need to eat, and most of us enjoy tasty foods. Let us go over the difference between the following words.


gourmet: a connoisseur in food and drink and the discriminating enjoyment of them

(* synonyms: gastronome, epicure, foodie)


gourmand: a person who loves eating but often eats greedily or too much

(*synonyms: glutton, stuffer, gobbler, gutbucket, swiller, guzzler)


Time to practice using the right word in the following given sentences. You have a clue letter or two for each blank.


    1.  After the sw_____________ had her fill, she could not even sit still with her pants fully zipped.


    2.   Chef Pasidaro is such a _________met baker that people with fine taste get in line for because of her one-of-a-kind cakes and muffins.


    3. James is a __________tton who repeats binge-eating and drinking to a dangerous level.


    4.   They used to call Betsy an epi___________, because she has a discriminating taste for fine foods and beverages.


    5.   Timothy is a f___________ that has a special interest in or knowledge of food and even used to travel around the world to explore the world of exotic foods.


    6.   Matt, please don’t be a ________bbler at the party tonight. Nobody there would eat without decorum.


    7.   The banquet will make a fun present for any _____tronome and wine connoisseur.



Answer Keys  

    1.  swiller

    2.  gourmet

    3.  glutton

    4.  epicure

    5.  foodie

    6.  gobbler

    7.  gastronome

Monday, January 11, 2021

Episode #51 of Dr. Jedidiah's Diary: The Man in the Painting

Dr. Jedidiah’s Diary

Dr. Jedidiah is a psychiatrist who loves traveling, meeting new people, and exploring different cultures. As a single father who lost his wife to drug overdose 10 years ago, he has not been his old perky self for the last decade. During those hard years, he has met hundreds of, thousands of people from various walks of life around all over the world. Meeting new people and listening to their stories outside his office have given him different feelings from the ones through the formal encounter groups or support groups for therapy. These people he has accidentally come across were the paths through which Dr. Jedidiah could look back on his own life, being truly honest with himself. Here is Dr. Jedidiah’s monologue that has left him with some food for thoughts in life….or a fodder to justify his own mistakes in the past.


Episode 51. The Man in the Painting

I didn’t know since when I had found it hard to fully concentrate on the talks and counseling shared with my patients in therapy sessions. It felt as if each patient in my office was wasting his or her time and money, and I wasn’t able to make sure that all these efforts of months and years would eventually get them out of the aoristic limbo, being unstable and unhinged, in their lives. Maybe I got to the point of the crowning moment of epiphany that being a shrink is not my calling. Otherwise, it was just that I had burnout.


Every night, I headed out to my favorite watering hole and drank a couple of Bacardi.  Jimmy, the bartender, was always ready to welcome me with a congenial smile. In that space, Jimmy and I were playing role reversal between a shrink and a listless patient. This time for guileless conversations could be tedious prolixity to Jimmy, but I found it refreshing to empty out my mind so I was able to start the following day from clean, unsoiled canvas.


One night, Jimmy asked me if I was interested in paintings and fine arts. He said his day job is to draw caricatures of people milling about in the 5th avenue. It threw me for a loop at the fact that I had not known about Jimmy for all those years. How come I hadn’t asked him even once about what he really loved to do in life or if there was anything else on his plate? He was such a great listener, which I was not. Jimmy invited me to his small atelier that night. His workspace was full of a lot of caricatures and portraits lining the wall. Jimmy said some pieces of portraits there were created only with detailed verbal descriptions from his clients who wanted to keep their deceased loved ones as beautiful artwork. Although Jimmy had not seen their loving family or friends in person, he must have been talented enough to use his eidetic memory while working on each piece. I was awestruck by the genius of this fine young man and ashamed of my twofold attitude towards people around me. During the daytime at my office, I was a listener, albeit not a good one. At the gin mill where I’d spend some time  after work every night, I was such a glib that never stopped talking to Jimmy and random people out there until they felt sick and leave.


In the corner of Jimmy’s atelier was one painting of a man facing the procellous ocean. Jimmy said “Do you happen to see yourself in the painting, Dr. J? With all the stories you’ve told me for years at the bar, I came up with this man in my painting. Hope I didn’t make you offended, Dr. J.” That piece of painting was like a message from Jimmy that it was time for me to listen to the inner voice about what I feel today and look back on all those years of my painstaking efforts to help soothe the wounds in people’s heart. My exhausted soul was anointed in the most curative way that night. Since that day I came to learn about Jimmy’s talent as an artist, I’d brought my patients to his art studio and asked him to draw my patients with some backgrounds invented in his mind. My passion to help people with heartaches was rekindled in his place as well.



    1.  aoristic : indefinite; indeterminate


    2.  to be in limbo: ….is in an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition.


    3.  crowning: the best/ the most/ the greatest


    4.   epiphany: a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something


    5.  a watering hole: a tavern or bar


    6.  congenial: pleasant/ agreeable/ friendly


    7.  listless: lethargic/ lacking energy or enthusiasm


    8.  guileless: devoid of guile/ innocent or without deception


    9.  prolixity: the state or quality of being unnecessarily or tediously wordy; verbosity


   10. caricature: a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.


   11.  to mill about/ around: to move around with no obvious purpose


   12. to throw … for a loop: to cause (someone) to be very amazed, confused, or shocked


   13. eidetic memory: marked by or involving extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall especially of visual images


   14. glib: (of words or the person speaking them) fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow


   15.  procellous: stormy or turbulent


   16.  to anoint: to rub (with oil)


(source from picture image:

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday Word Puzzle from NPR (aired today, January 10, 2021)

 Today, I've brought a game of Categories based on the word FIRST. For each category I give, name something in it starting with each of the letters F-I-R-S-T. Any answer that works is OK, and you can give the answers in any order.


Example: If the category were "Girl's Names," you might say Flo, Iris, Rosa, Sarah and Teresa.


1. State capitals


2. Parts of the human body


3. Terms in mathematics


4. Appliances you plug in

Answer Keys

    1.  Frankfort (capital of Kentucky), Indianapolis (capital of Indiana), Richmond (capital of Virginia), Sacramento (capital of California), Tallahassee (capital of Florida)  

    2.  Face, Index finger, Rib, Stomach, Toes

    3.  Factor, Integers, Rhombus, Theorem, Set     

    4. Fan, Iron, Refrigerator, Stove, Thermomix

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Easy breezy search for words

Let’s learn and live English! Using the context along with your educated guesswork, fill in the blanks of each sentence given below.

We are in the middle of deep winter now. Seasonal flu virus would be the harsh last straw on camel’s back as people are struggling with their toxic fear of Covid-19 virus. Here are some natural remedies for getting __________ of a cold and staying healthy.


    1.   Rose hip tea is ____________ of vitamin C and can help _________________ colds.

(clues:  1. meaning “filled with”,  2. meaning “to fend off/ to keep … from something)


    2.  Lemons, oranges, and apple cider are all _______________________ to be cold remedies. (clue: meaning “viewed/ seen as…”)  


    3.   Historically, the layers of the onion were believed to draw ____________________ diseases from the patient; onions were often hung in sick rooms. Today, we know that onions have ____________________ qualities. Boil a whole onion, and afterward, drink the water.

(clues: 1. meaning “transmissible or infectious”   2. meaning “disinfectant or aseptic”)


4.   Cut up fresh garlic ________________ and add them to chicken soup or other foods, or swallow small chunks of raw garlic like pills.

(clue: in plural form; “one of the small bulblets that can be split off of the axis of a larger garlic bulb”)

5 .   Like onion and garlic, horseradish ___________________ lots of heat to help offset colds. According to one farmer we know, a daily horseradish sandwich is the best cold remedy out there!

(clue: meaning “to produce/ give rise to/ bring about…”)


6.   Eat loads of hot and spicy foods like chili to clear the ____________________.

(clue: in plural form; the spaces behind the face that lead to the nasal cavity)

7.   Prunes are ____________ in fiber, vitamins A and B, iron, calcium, and phosphorous.

(clue: meaning “having an abundance of something, especially some valuable resource other than money”)

8.   To treat ____________ lips, go to bed with honey on them.

(clue: meaning “blister, bump, lesion or ulcer occurring on the lips”)


Answer Keys


    1.  full, prevent

    2.  considered

    3.  contagious, antibacterial

    4.  cloves

    5.  generates

    6.  sinuses

    7.  rich

    8.  sore

Play and practice with Vocab!

Today, let me give you some sentences with blanks. Try to fill in the blanks with proper words (using the hints given) so that each one make...