Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year Tradition from the World

The new year has arrived! Do you have a family ritual or traditional way to celebrate the new year’s day? Here are some fun facts about new year traditions of many different countries.


    1.   In the early American colonies, the sounds of ___________ shots rang through the air, and black-eyed ______________ and pork foretell good fortune in southern United States.


    2.   The Irish enjoy pastries called _______________.


    3.   In India and Pakistan, rice promises _________________.


    4.   _____________ dipped in honey are a Rosh Hashanah tradition.


    5.   In Swiss homes, dollops of __________________ cream, symbolizing the richness of the year to come, are dropped on the floors and allowed to remain there.


    6.   “Wassail”, the Gaelic term for “good ______________”, is served in some parts of England. Spiced “hot pint” is the Scottish version of wassail. Traditionally, the Scots drank to each other’s prosperity and also offered this warm drink to neighbors along with a small gift.


    7.   In Rome, gifts of gilded nuts or ______________  marked the start of the new year.


    8.   ___________, the symbol of fertility, were exchanged by the Persians.


    9.   Early ___________________ traded earthenware flasks.


    10. In Scotland, coal, shortbread and silverware were traditionally exchanged for ____________________________.



*Source from The Old Farmer’s Almanac



Answer Keys

1.  gun/ pistol, peas

2.  bannocks

3.  prosperity

4.  apples

5.  whipped

6.  health

7.  coins

8.  Eggs

9.  Egyptians

10.              Good luck

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