Monday, August 24, 2020

Time to chillax

 Are you suffering from Monday blues or cabin fever these days? Welp, everyone in this world has been badly affected by this damn pandemic. Let us just stop and have a moment for a good laugh. This week, I am sharing some fun jokes/ riddles so we can chilaaaaaax for a minute or two in a loooooooong day.

(source from  


   1.   Q: What’s a waste of energy?

   A: Telling a hair-raising story to a __________ man.



    2.   Q: What’s round and dangerous?

    A: It’s a _____________ circle.



     3.   Q: What do you call a dinosaur fart?

     A: A ___________  from the ____________.


     4.   Q: What’s the difference between a well-dressed man on a bike and a poorly   dressed man on a unicycle?

     A: ________________


     5.   Q: Why did the newspaper talk to the ice cream?

     A: Because it was looking for the __________ !


     6.   Q: How do you get into a mushroom?

     A: Ring the ________________.


     7.    Q: What do bus drivers put on their morning toast?

     A: ____________  jam


     8.   Q: What do you call someone who can eat candy corn with both hands?

     A: _______________


     9.   Q: What do you call a fake pizza?

     A: a pepper_______ pizza


 10. Q:   How do pastry chefs get old?

       A: Time _______________ up on them.


Answer Keys 

    1.  bald

    2.  vicious

    3.  blast, past

    4.  attire

    5.  scoop

    6.  porta-bell-a

    7.  traffic

    8.  ambidextrose

    9.  phony 

    10.  crêpes

(picture source:






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