Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Easy Breezy Grammar Check!

Quite a lot of ESL/EFL learners make a mistake when choosing the right form of verbs or get confused with homophones in a sentence. We don’t need to be a grammar Nazi all the time, but you can’t make yourselves understood in English correctly without grammar.

 Here’s a brief quiz to check your grammar ability. Choose the right word/ phrase to make each sentence grammatically correct.

    1.  Dennis (was,   has been) in California last winter.

    2.  The parents freaked out about (there,    they’re,    their) kids’ safety when there was the first confirmed case of CoVid-19 on campus.

    3.  Janet’s dog likes to eat all vegetables (accept,   except) lettuce.

    4.  Bob will write you a (cheque,    check) for the items you are buying.

    5.  My friends and (me,    I) are signing up for the gym membership.

    6.  I feel so sorry for those (affected,    effected) by this deadly virus.

    7.  She (could have done,    could do) better in his exams if he had worked harder.

    8.  Darryl had (adviced,     advised) the young ones to stay at home in this time of pandemic.

    9.  The (principal,     principle) aim of the game isn’t to win.

    10.  Pete has (hanged,      hung) his favorite family picture on the wall.

    11.  The Green Mile is Stephen King’s novel about the prisoners who are on the death row. When I read the story, I thought it was so inhumane to electrocute inmates or get them (hanged,         hung).

Answer Keys

     1.  was

     2.  their

     3.  except

     4.  cheque

     5.  I

     6.  affected

     7.  could have done

     8.  advised

     9.  principle

     10.  hung

     11.  hanged

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