Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Prayer for the New Year of 2020

A Prayer for the New Year of 2020

By Jean Lee

I pray that no one feels pushed around or left out in their lives;   

    I hope there’ll certainly be the moments they feel their passion respected.

I pray that I’m willingly spare a minute or two to hear my friends and give them high-fives;

    I hope they remember we are always connected.

I pray the crispy air at dawn fills me with brand new hopes for another given day;

    I hope I’ll still pat on my back even if the time is not as meaningful or fruitful as expected.

I pray I always look inside of me and give any pain some leeway;

    I hope every little scab will not be neglected, but rather be protected.

I pray day-to-day smiles and laughter will strongly pave the way for bigger bunch of happiness;

   I hope daily navigation in life will bring me and my friends unshattered wisdom.

I pray by the end of this year, I will write Christmas cards only filled with sweetness;

   I hope those who get my cards will also be singing a song of freedom.

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