Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Word Game with Spring Words

Lots of you might be tired of the winter doldrums by now. Waiting for ourselves to wake up from hibernating, let us enjoy word scramble with signs of Spring!
Suppose you are going on a field trip with your students to a park. You give the class a list of things to look for in the woods and meadows, but the words got all mixed up. Can you help them unscramble the list of words below?

  Example:   OFGR:  _____________     The answer is FROG


     1.   FEUYRBTLT   ____________________________

     2.   SRSGA:  _________________________

     3.   ORMHTARWE: ___________________________

     4.   SNTGLHUI: _______________________

     5.   UDB: _________________________

     6.   DDNLIAENO: ___________________________

     7.   ORELWF: _______________________

     8.   EBE: _________________

     9.   GLBDYAU: _____________________

     10.               OMLOB: __________________

     11.               ERGEN: ___________________

     1.  BUTTERFLY
     2.  GRASS
     3.  EARTHWORM
     4.  SUNLIGHT
     5.  BUD
     6.  DANDELION
     7.  FLOWER
     8.  BEE
     9.  LADYBUG
     10.              BLOOM
     11.              GREEN

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