Monday, November 26, 2018

Idioms related to Shopping

Idioms related to Shopping

Black Friday shopping spree is not just the American culture anymore. The blast-off sale right after Thanksgiving or Christmas has become a major occasion for shopaholics to mark the calendar for in many other countries in the world as well. This week, let us work on some interesting idiomatic expressions related to shopping and spending money.

   1.   to pay over the odds: (verb) to overpay for something/ to pay too much for something

   2.   to shop till one drop(s): (verb) to go on an extremely long shopping trip until one feels exhausted

   3.   retail therapy/ shopping therapy: (noun) the idea that buying things can cheer you up or make you feel better (especially when you’re under pressure or stressed out) as an outlet for frustration and a reliever of stress

   4.   doorbuster: (in retailing) a special discount price available for a limited period, typically during special early-opening hours

   5.   to put (something) on/in layaway: (verb) to purchase something by paying part of the price initially, and not receiving the goods until all the money has been paid

   6.   to slash prices: (verb) to cut/reduce/decrease prices (the cost of something)

   7.   a killer deal: (noun) something of high value has a very great price that is surprisingly low and affordable

   8.   splash out: (verb) to buy something even though it costs a lot of money

   9.   bargain hunting: (nouns) spending time in the shops looking for items to buy at the lowest price

   10.  cyber Monday: (noun created by online retailers) also called as Black Monday, which is an e-commerce term that refers to the Monday following the U.S. Thanksgiving weekend.

Let us practice using the above expressions in sentences by filling in the given blanks now!
   1.   Terry had her eye on a gorgeous winter coat, but she couldn’t afford to buy it at that price. So, she waited for the time when there’s a _________________ deal on line. Yes, ________________ Monday shopping is her thing!

   2.   Devin has ________________________ out this last Christmas to buy something big for his fiancĂ©. Now he’s dead broke.

   3.   He once saw a woman get smashed against a window and break her nose, and knows what it's like when people get injured in the dash for ________________________ at shopping malls.

   4.   Melissa does not want to pay ________________________ for a designer purse just to distinguish herself through what she buys.

   5.   Quite a lot of women shop ‘till they _______________ at duty free shops, which would often result in breaking their banks by the end of the month of their travels. LOL

   6.   Jeffrey only buys his high-end DIY tools at Home Depot when they _________________ prices.

   7.   When my mom was bummed out about something, she’d go shopping for clothes or cosmetics. Yes, _________________ therapy works for her.

   8.   Mimi put the huge Christmas decoration on _________________, because she can’t afford to buy that pricey ornament at the moment.

   9.   If you wish to get this nice pair of highly cushioned running shoes, just wait until next week. They’ll be on blast off sale as of next Tuesday for shoppers like you who love ___________________ hunting.

Answer Keys
   1.   killer, Cyber
   2.   splashed
   3.   doorbusters
   4.   over the odds
   5.   drop
   6.   slash
   7.   retail
   8.   layaway
   9.   bargain

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