Monday, October 1, 2018

Expressions with Food and Taste in them that Have Nothing to do with Food and Taste

Are you in good relationship with food? Some might indulge in their favorite dish without worrying about getting fat, whereas most others always watch what and how much they take into their mouth. Well, one thing that we all have in common is that we love food! 😊    This week, let us brush up on some idiomatic expressions that have food and taste in them to mean something else.

   1.   to cut the mustard: to achieve the standard of performance necessary for success  to succeed; to have the ability to do something; to come up to expectations', but the phrase is most often used in the negative form, as "can't cut the mustard,"

   2.   meat and drink: When you find a task, that others find difficult, easy and pleasant, it is meat and drink to you.

   3.   cheap as chips: very cheap

   4.   to have a finger in every pie: to be involved in many activities and have a lot of influence or power. It usually has a negative or derogatory connotation which suggests that other people disapprove of so much involvement or influence

   5.   lemon: something that you buy which turns out to have problems - it is defective / it doesn't work well.

   6.   fishy: When something seems suspicious, dishonest or false, it is fishy.

   7.   Take with a pinch of salt: To take something with a pinch of salt means that you should not completely believe what you are told

   8.   a bad egg: a mischievous/corrupt/ untrustworthy person who is always in trouble

   9.   full of beans: full of energy

   10.               to be souped up: to be made more powerful or stylish or jazzed up or upgraded

Time to practice! Let’s fill in the blanks with proper expressions we’ve learned.

   1.   Did you see Jake’s 10-year-old car that has been ____________________ like crazy? He used to call his car a ______________ that’s not functioning well, but it looks like a brand new concept car now!

   2.   My go-to running shoes have been discontinued and are so hard to come by. If available on ebay, they must be really pricey. Once they’re out of market, you can never expect them to be as cheap as ______________ anywhere.

   3.   She tried to join the soccer team, but she couldn't _______________________________.

   4.   Mason is such a blabbermouth and always tends to dramatize stories he heard. When he tells you something, you need to take it with ______________________________.

   5.   I can’t believe that your kids are still full of _______________________ after playing all day long at the beach.

   6.   There’s something very _______________ about Thomas. He seems to have been holding a big secret back.

   7.   Hannah doesn’t want her son to hang around bad _____________ in the neighborhood. They are such a bad influence in every way.

   8.   Most people are not quite thrilled to be picked to answer teacher’s questions in class, but it is just ______________ & ________________ to Jason. He enjoys showing off his intelligence.

   9.   Jill is a full-time teacher, but she’s also a local councillor. Besides, she runs the local museum as well! She definitely likes to have a finger in __________________________.

Answer Keys
   1.  souped up, lemon
   2.  chips
   3.  cut the mustard
   4.  with a pinch of salt
   5.  beans
   6.  fishy
   7.  eggs
   8.  meat & drink
   9.  every pie

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