Saturday, May 26, 2018

Relationship Idioms

Humans are, by nature, a social being. No one can live by himself or herself completely away from others in many different aspects of life. That is why most people always search for relationships or connections with others. This week, we would like to work on some frequently used idiomatic expressions that are related to human relationship.

Let’s check out the following expressions and fill in the blanks with proper idioms.
(source from

bad blood: hatred or dislike among individuals or groups of people.

You can't please everyone: No single action can make everyone action.

to build bridges : to increase understanding / friendship between different people or groups.

to burn one’s bridges: do something that makes it impossible to return to an earlier state

Blood is thicker than water: People who are related have stronger obligations to each other than to people outside the family.

to have strong feelings: To have strong emotions for someone, often attraction./ to have a thing for someone

fair-weather friend : Someone who is your friend only when things are pleasant or going well for you.

an item: a term used for a couple who are in a relationship.

blind date: A blind date is when the two people going out on the date are meeting for the first time.
to talk to someone: To have a good feeling towards someone

The honeymoon is over: The early pleasant beginning (as at the start of a marriage) has ended.

1. Don't be upset if they got you wrong and keep criticizing you, Matt. You can’t ____________________  everyone.

2. She's one of those people who is only around when everything is fine. She's a __________________________.
3. Yes, James and I are an _______________ now. We've been dating for two months.

4. I'm going on a __________________ I'm so nervous! What if I'm not attracted to him?

5. Our relationship has gotten much harder since we had children. I think ___.

6. I know you're angry with your brother. But remember, _______________________________________.

7. There's no ______________________ between us now. We hadn't spoken for weeks but we made up last Monday.

8. I think we should try to ________________________ between Harry and Sally, I'm sick of them bickering all the time.

9. I __________________ for Eddy, but unfortunately I don't think he feels the same way about me.

10. Sarah has already __________________________ with her previous boss by publicly criticizing his marketing policy.

Answer Keys
1.      Please
2.      fair-weather friend
3.      item
4.      blind date
5.      The honeymoon is over.
6.      Blood is thicker than water.
7.      bad blood
8.      build bridges
9.      strong feelings
10.    burned her bridges

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