Friday, July 21, 2017

Idiomatic Expressions with Summer-related Words

What comes to your mind when you think of Summer? I personally like Summer because I was born with the sign of Leo in July when the strong sun rays help me unlock power and bounce to get up and go. However, quite a lot of people complain Summer is the season that would gaslight them by making their normal abdomen look like ugly beer belly.  They go on to say that it is hot, muggy, scorching, sultry, and even suffocating outside around this time of year. I wonder what kind of feeling summer time brings you out there. This week, let us go over some idiomatic expressions that have words from this riveting or grueling season of the year!

1.   to think the sun shines out of someone's backside (very casual/not polite): to love someone so much that you think they are perfect. This has a negative image as we usually use it when someone loves another person too much and forgets their faults

2.   a knight in shining armour: someone who helps you when you really need help; a kind of ‘hero’

3.   to take a shine to someone: to be attracted to someone or to like them. Usually with new people we meet.

4.   Come rain or shine (or 'whatever the weather'): to say you will do something regardless of the situation, or how difficult it might be. We use it to show we are determined to do something

5.   to swim against the Tide: to go against the general trend

6.   a summer fling: a short and simple romance/ light and fun-filled relationship with nothing to worry about at the end of the season

7.   to make a Splash: to get a lot of public attention

8.   a place in the sun: a job or situation which makes you happy and gives you everything you need and want

9.   One swallow doesn’t make a summer: an expression that means that just because one good thing has happened doesn’t necessarily indicate that the tendency will continue.

10.  Rise and shine!: the phrase, often uttered in the morning to the man who walked away from a dream.

Fill in the blanks with proper idiomatic expressions based on the clues given above.
1.   Hey, sleepyhead! It’s almost nine! _________________________________!

2.   Raymond is a notorious womanizer. I’ve heard so many episodes of his short-term ___________________________.

3.   My brother thinks the sun _________________________________________. I don’t understand how he’s not able to see all her faults.

4.   The Simpson family had been in deep debt when Mr. Carey sent them a year supply of nonperishable foods and basic necessities. Mr. Carey is a __________________________________ to the Simpsons.
5.    Our school won the regional Scholastic Bowl last night! But our coach said one _______________________________________, because we have way a couple of more matches to go.

6.   Her performance in the street did make a ________________, but her popularity fizzled out pretty soon.

7.   My kitten easily takes a _______________ to visitors at my house. It doesn’t take her long to warm up to strangers.

8.   Don’t worry, I will come _______________ or ______________ to your B-day party.

9.   Oh, my word! Are you going to wear those baggy pants to school today? Well, I know you always go off the beaten paths, but why do you __________________________________ even when it comes to your outfits?

     10.I love my new position at work! It is definitely a _______________________________!

*Answer Keys:
1. Rise and shine!,   2. Summer fling,   3. shines out of her backside,
4. knight in shining armor,  5. swallow doesn’t make a summer,      

6. splash,  7. shine,  8. rain or shine,  9. swim against the tide, 10. place in the sun

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