Friday, October 28, 2022

Halloween Trivia Quiz

Halloween is fast approaching and the grim grinning ghosts can’t wait to come out and socialize. Want some fun facts about Halloween?


*Picture Source:


    1.   The first Jack-O-Lanterns were made out of ___.

a.   turnips     b. melons     c. coconuts     d. pumpkins


    2.   In what century did the practice of trick-or-treating begin? ___

a.   17th century

b.   14th century

c.   16th century

d.   20th century


    3.   If you want to keep spirits out of your home on Halloween, what should you sprinkle on your doorstep? ___

a.   garlic     b. holy water    c. thyme    d. salt



    4.   Which horror film among these was based on a true story? ___

a.   The Amityville Horror

b.   Halloween

c.   The Conjouring

d.   Get Out


    5.   According to superstition, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what will you see? ___

a.   A phantom

b.   Your future spouse

c.   Your dead ancestors

d.   Your death


    6.   What movie convinced people to get rid of their Ouija board? ___

a.   Ouija

b.   The Exorcist

c.   Halloween

d.   The Amityville Horror


    7.   What ghost did British Prime Minister Winston Churchill reportedly see in the White House? ___

a.   Abraham Lincoln    b. Andrew Jackson   c. George Washington   D. his dad



    8.   How many “witches” were burned at the stake in the Salem Witch Trials? ___   a. 20   b. 0   c. 12   d. 6


    9.   What phobia do you suffer from if you have an intense fear of Halloween? ___

a.   Witchphobia   b. Halloweenophobia   c. Samhainophobia   d. Cynophobia


    10. What does the word “Halloween” mean? ___

a.   Night of the Dead   b. Holy or Hallowed Evening   c. Day of the Dead   d. Blessings



Answer Keys 

    1.  a

    2.  a

    3.  d

    4.  a

    5.  b

    6.  b

    7.  a

    8.  a

    9.  c

    10. b

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