Monday, July 18, 2022

NPR Sunday Puzzle from yesterday is available on my ESL blog! Have fun playing with these alphabet letters and categories!

I'm going to name something — like a state, state capital, flower, etc. You name something else in the same category as my thing that has the same number of letters as mine ... and that starts and ends with the same letters as mine.

Example: Augusta --> ATLANTA [both state capitals, both 7 letters long, both start and end in "A"]


*Picture Source:

1. Alabama

2. Pansy

3. Forty

4. Raven

5. Rupee

6. Baylor

7. Sudan

8. Jackson

9. Cocoa Puffs


Answer Keys

    1.  Arizona (7-letter US State that starts & ends with A)

    2.  Peony (5-letter flower that starts with P & ends with Y)

    3.  Fifty (5-letter number that starts with f & ends with Y)

    4.  Robin (5-letter bird name that starts with R & ends with N)

5.  Ruble (5-letter international currency name that starts with R & ends with E)

    6.  Butler (6-letter University name that starts with B & ends with R)

    7.  Spain (5-letter country that starts with S & ends with N)

    8.  Johnson (7-letter US president that starts with J & ends with N)

    9.  Cornflakes (10-letter cereal name that starts with C & ends with S)

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