Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Time to play the latest Sunday Puzzle by Will Shortz from NPR! Pay 'A-T tention' to the following words!

I'm going to give you clues for two words. Insert the letters A-T consecutively inside the answer to the first clue to get the answer to the second.

Example: One who says "Semper fi" / Soak in herbs and spices --> MARIN(AT)E

1. Go through again, as an experience / Uncle or cousin

2. Hunter constellation / Grand speech

3. Name of a sea off the coast of Alaska / Chewing out

4. Buddhist place of worship / Shaped pattern used for making reproductions

5. Voltaire satire / One running for office

6. Pierce slightly, as with a needle / Saint celebrated on March 17

7. Longtime leader of Cuba / Male singer with a high voice

8. Like flypaper / Like radio reception during a storm

9. Act of changing from one form to another, as Fahrenheit to Celsius / Chat between two or more people

(*picture source: https://www.123rf.com/photo_63397116_stock-vector-a-t-vintage-initials-symbol-letters-a-t-ampersand-surrounded-floral-ornament-wedding-or-business-par.html)

Answer Keys

1. rel(at)tive: relive/relative 

2. or(at)ion: orion/oration

3. Ber(at)ing: Bering/ berating

4. templ(at)e: temple/ template

5. Candid(at)e: Candide/ Candidate

6. p(at)rick: prick/ Patrick

7. Castr(at)o: Castro/ Castrato

8. st(at)icky: sticky/ staticky

9. convers(at)ion: conversion/ conversation

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