Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Sympathy (to sympathize) vs. Empathy (to empathize)

Quite a lot of people feel confused in using empathy and sympathy. Although it might be impossible to draw a clear cut demarcation line between the two words, here’s the difference between the most commonly used meanings of these two terms is:

Sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters.

Empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another, which is why actors often talk about it. 
(image source: Photo by Kevin Laminto on Unsplash)

   1.   When I saw my friend having to greet her ailing mom at the nursing home through the window since the pandemic, I found myself deeply saddened and ___________________ with her in her sorrow.

   2.   As an actor, he had to learn about the importance of feeling ___________________ with the individual's situation.

   3.   In an argument about police brutality today, Tony said “All lives matter.” That remark caused huge furor and agitation in the debate, and one of his colleagues said “Tony, don’t you have _______________ for the black guy who painfully begged for his life while all those insane officers were taking his life?”

   4.   My friend Anthony is a palm reader who always tells me that his psychic ability of _________________is often misunderstood.

   5.   Roger has been such a devoted volunteer M.D. at our local hospice for the terminally ill. When I expressed my admiration to him, he said his own challenges, limitations, and injuries had helped support that ________________ and inclusiveness.

   6.   Please accept my sincere _________________ in the loss of your beloved Grandpa. He must be watching over you in Heaven.

  v 7.   The moment you break the news of your cousin’s passing, Jess will cry. She always __________________ with her friends in their grief.

   8.   I’m sick and tired of your lack of _____________! How could you react so inappropriately all the time? Is it because you have difficulty understanding another person's emotional states?

Answer Keys

   1.  sympathized

   2.  empathy

   3.  sympathy

   4.  empathy

   5.  empathy

   6.  sympathy

   7.  sympathizes

   8.  empathy

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