Saturday, February 15, 2020

Words Beginning & Ending with the Same Letter

Form words that begin and end with the same letter. Each word has its definition (with part of speech) that helps you get the word quickly.
e.g., ___ RAS ___   : ERASE

   1.   ___INDO___ : (noun) meaning a space usually filled with glass in the wall of a building or in a vehicle, to allow light and air in and to allow people inside the building to see out

   2.   ___YRICA___ : (adjective) meaning (of literature, art, or music) expressing the writer's emotions in an imaginative and beautiful way

   3.   ___APKI____ : (noun) meaning a square piece of cloth or paper used at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips and to protect garments, or to serve food on

   4.   ____EMAN_____: (verb or noun) to ask authoritatively or brusquely/an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right

   5.   ____AYHE_____: (noun) violent or damaging disorder; chaos

   6.   _____REGAN____ : (noun) culinary herb which is a bushy perennial mint with leaves that are used as a seasoning and a source of aromatic oil

   7.   ____ARDIA____ : (adjective) of, relating to, situated near, or acting on the heart

   8.   ______YPIS______ : (noun) someone who works in an office typing letters and other documents

   9.   _____TRES______: (noun) pressure or tension exerted on a material object/  a state of mental or emotional tension resulting from a very demanding circumstances

   10.               _____ANGE_____ : (noun) a person in charge of managing and protecting part of a public forest. : a person in charge of managing and protecting part of a national park. : a soldier in the U.S. Army who has special training especially in fighting at close range

   11.               ______RIM_____ : (verb) to dress or adorn in a careful manner

   12.               ______APE______ : (noun) a strip of cloth that is part of the front of a jacket or coat. It is joined to the collar and folded back onto the chest

   13.               _____INSEN______: (noun) one of the most popular herbal roots used to improve health in eastern Asia

   14.               _____GEND______ : (noun) list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting

Answer Keys
   1.  W (window)
   2.  L (lyrical)
   3.  N (napkin)
   4.  D (demand)
   5.  M (mayhem)
   6.  O (oregano)
   7.  C (cardiac)
   8.  T (typist)
   9.  S (stress)
   10.              R (ranger)
   11.              P (primp)
   12.              L (lapel)
   13.              G (ginseng)
   14.              A (agenda)

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