Thursday, October 24, 2019

Interesting Expressions related to Love and Marriage

This week, let me share some interesting English expressions related to love and marriage.


    1.   to get hitched: to get married

    2.   sham marriage: a legal marriage that happens primarily or solely for practical purposes, rather than love

    3.   to get cold feet: suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially something important such as getting married

    4.   cupboard love: insincere or superficial love motivated by selfish interest/  a show of love inspired by some selfish or greedy motive (

    5.   smitten with…: in love with…/ infatuated with ….

    6.   to let one’s heart rule his/her head: to act according to what you feel (=based on one’s emotions) rather than what is sensible

    7.   to fix someone up with …: to find a romantic partner for …./ to set someone up with …

    8.   shotgun wedding/ marriage: marriage that takes place because the woman is pregnant

    9.   to whisper sweet nothings: to whisper words of affection

    10.               bridezilla: a woman who is planning her own wedding in such a thorough and enthusiastic way that her behaviour seems extreme and unreasonable to other people

Time to practice what you’ve learned!

    1.   Her father wasn’t able to stand the scene where his beloved daughter was giggling and whispering _______________  _______________ with her boy friend at the prom.

    2.   Brad knew it was only ________________ love from the beginning, Because Juliet was well known as a gold digger in town.

    3.   More and more young ones today are not quite interested in getting ________________. They’d rather wish to enjoy their single lives.

    4.   Diana’s mom has always told her daughter not to let her _______________ rule her ________________. She would say “Marry in haste, repent at leisure.”

    5.   I saw the movie Green Card, which is about _________________ marriage with an undocumented immigrant from France.

    6.   Heather has been such _______________ obsessed with every single detail about her upcoming wedding, but right before the big day, she got _____________ feet.

    7.   Ken became  _________________ with Barbie from the very first moment he saw her. He was utterly head over heels for her.

    8.   It was not a ____________________ wedding. Jack and Jill has made up their mind to get married last year.

    9.   Drew’s auntie felt bad for her nephew who had never dated anyone in his life. So she was trying to ____________ him up with a smart and good-looking girl way before Christmas came along.

Answer Keys

    1.  sweet nothing
    2.  cupboard
    3.  hitched
    4.  heart, head
    5.  sham
    6.  Bridezilla, cold
    7.  smitten
    8.  shotgun
    9.  fix

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