Monday, July 22, 2019

Dr. Jedidiah’s Diary. Episode #23 A Piece of Poem

Eric, the Lunatic

by Vincent Jedidiah

Last November, Eric seemed out of his mind.
All his delusional words along with years of insomnia have led me to a daily grind.

He cried tears of remorse after leaving his wife.
He kept asking me how to overcome the inscrutable caducity of life.

Then I’d say “Just let it be unfathomable. We’re no God. We can’t learn out why.
Eric thought over my response and went on to say that “it’s YOU that is an emotional cripple rather than I.”

My exhausted soul was shouting inside ‘Alright, alright, I’ve had enough, you Gomer!’
He could have read my mind and angrily wanted to say to me “psychiatrist” was a misnomer.

On my patients file, he was labelled as Eric, the Lunatic.
On Eric’s discerning mind, I must have been Vincent, the quack dramatic.

    1.  grind: hard/ dull work

    2.  caducity: frailty and transitory nature/ ephemeralness

    3.  emotional cripple: someone who is unable to feel or show true emotion and so cannot form relationships with other people

    4.  gomer: a disagreeable hospital patient (which stands for Get Out of My Emergency Room)

    5.  misnomer: an error in naming a person or place in a legal document


Play and practice with Vocab!

Today, let me give you some sentences with blanks. Try to fill in the blanks with proper words (using the hints given) so that each one make...