Thursday, November 16, 2017

How to Survive Pesky Curveballs or Lemons in Life

Whenever things are going tough, we stop and ask a question: ‘WHY?’, ‘Is this part of God’s will or plan for good in the grand scheme of things?’ The answer is up to your choice and belief in life. Well, quite a lot of things in our lives make sense in the way that most things make sense when you don’t fully understand the situations. Ha…   

Sleepless nights or the nights filled only with a couple of hours of shallow sleep take a serious toll on our bodies just as if they were telling us off for the unexpected blows from life. What happens in our world might have some relations or no connections at all with our own will or responsibilities. With all due respect, it might feel very UNFAIR for us to go through life’s ordeals or bad nitty-gritty quite against our own intents. So….are we supposed to just sit still like the demoralized residents in the blighted hood, fretting about what we’re facing in a mopey mood? How best or at least aptly could we weather the seasons of all the trepidation given from life? Here’s what I think could help you out there in trouble.

First, jot down the things that let you down to properly cope with them and square them away.

Second, find someone close to you who can be all ears to your agony.

Third, just talk your matters over. This is not to give off a negative vibe to others, but rather to organize your thoughts by saying the issues out loud and gaining words of wisdom from your friends.

Fourth, believe in yourself and in God’s blessings on your way. Find your own quiet space for daily prayers and meditation, shut off from bustle of obligations in life.

I do not want to come off as presumptuous, but rather would like you to know that YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE to whom life gives a ton of lemons. Do not think that people around you would not turn a hair about your hard times or bad situations. Most of them around you care and hope for the best in the throes of your pain or despair. LOVE is right there at your side. It is none other than you that should take the liberty of taking love. Cheers. Your life would soon be poppin’!  


in the grand scheme of things: (adverbial phrase) considering everything

to tell somebody off: (verb) to scold somebody

nitty-gritty: (noun) the basic or fundamental facts of a situation

demoralized: (adjective) having lost your confidence, enthusiasm, and hope

blighted hood: (noun) spoiled/destroyed/damaged neighborhood

to fret about something: (verb) to worry about

mopey: (adjective) in a depressed condition, low in spirits; gloomy; lackadaisical.

aptly: (adverb) in a manner that is appropriate or suitable in the circumstances

to weather (something bad): (verb) to endure or safely come through some hard times or crisis

to square something away: (verb) to complete all necessary arrangements for something or someone

to talk something over: (verb) to discuss something thoroughly

to come off as (+ noun/ adjective): (verb) to seem to be (a specified quality or character)

to not turn a hair: (verb) not become afraid or upset, remain calm about some annoying situations

to take the liberty of doing something: (verb) to do something without first seeking out or asking someone's permission

poppin’: (adjective) lit, beautiful, stylish, cool

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