Sunday, November 24, 2024

Time to play the puzzle from NPR!!!

Every answer today is the name of a famous person in which the first two letters of the first name are the same as the last two letters of the last name. I'll give you the repeated letters and categories of the people. You tell me who they are.


Ex. GE, Oscar winner for Best Actress  -->  Geraldine Page (winner for the 1985 movie "The Trip to Bountiful")


    1.  RO, Oscar winner for Best Actor (in "Raging Bull")

    2.  SA, Seven-time M.L.B. All-Star (primarily with the Chicago Cubs)

    3.  EL, Writer and Peace Nobelist (author of "Night" and other works on the Holocaust)

    4.  MA, Former White House daughter

    5.  AN, Woman who taught Helen Keller

    6.  [one name:] BA, queen consort in the Bible (wife of David, mother of Solomon)

    7.  LO, Comic actor of old Hollywood (partner of Bud Abbott)


Answer Keys

    1.  Robert De Niro

    2.  Sammy Sosa

    3.  Elie Wiesel

    4.  Malia Obama

    5.  Anne Sullivan

    6.  Bathsheba

7.  Lou Costello 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Thanksgiving Words!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. What comes to your mind when you think about this national holiday? Some might say the day is all about family, watching football, and savoring a special spread of festive foods.

Why don’t we celebrate this holiday with its own unique set of vocabulary words that can be used to describe everything from the foods on the table to the celebratory festivities?


    1.   The word “____________” took place in the 1200s, and it comes from the Latin bonitās, meaning “goodness.” Its synonym “abundance” is a central theme of the modern Thanksgiving celebration.


    2.   The word “______________” is interchangeably used with stuffing. This word has become a popular alternative to the word stuffing during the Victorian era. Today, ________________ or stuffing are both acceptable terms for the popular seasoned breadcrumb side dish.


    3.   A “___________________” (i.e., a symbol of abundance) overflowing with pumpkins and other vegetables is one of the more popular images associated with Thanksgiving. According to classical mythology, this is “a horn containing food, drink, etc., in endless supply, said to have been a horn of the goat Amalthaea.”


4.   In the States, quite of few people (especially runners) sign up for a 5K race that takes place on the morning of Thanksgiving, which is called a “_____________ Trot”. Since the days back in the 1830s, the term “____________ trot” has referred to a dance done by couples to ragtime music that involves “a springy walk with little or no bending of the knees, and accompanied by a swinging motion of the body with shoulder movements up and down.”


    5.   On Thanksgiving, people give thanks to one another. Another way to say that is that people express their “_______________”.


    6.   The word “_____________” can be used to describe “the hard-shelled fruit of any of various plants,” though it’s important to note that a gourd is not quite the same thing as a squash. Pumpkins, zucchini, and butternut squash are all types of squash, whereas “_______________” typically describes decorative varieties of squash that aren’t eaten. The word gourd dates back to the end of the 13th century.


    7.   Thanksgiving is also a time to gather with your chosen family. The word “_________________” has grown in popularity as “a gathering of friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with a feast, falling near or on Thanksgiving Day.” Since many people travel to visit family for Thanksgiving, this is a way to connect with dear friends who may not be near on the actual Thanksgiving holiday.


    8.   Turkey is the standard Thanksgiving food, but have you heard the word “___________________”? It is “a deboned turkey that is stuffed with a deboned duck that is stuffed with a deboned chicken.” The word turducken is a _______________ word, a blended word made from the parts of other words. Another example “________________” is a blend of the words tofu and turkey.


    9.   By the end of Thanksgiving holiday, you might find yourself with a “food ___________”. It is “the bloated appearance of the stomach area after eating a large amount of food, giving the person the appearance of being pregnant.” In other words, you might say you have a “food ___________” when you’re feeling very, very full.


Hope everyone of you out there have a peaceful and grateful Thanksgiving holiday!


**source from




Answer Keys

    1.  bounty

    2.  dressing

    3.  cornucopia

    4.  Turkey Trot, Turkey Trot

    5.  gratitude

    6.  gourd(e)

    7.  Friendsgiving

    8.  turducken

    9.  food baby, food baby

Monday, November 18, 2024

Time to play the puzzle from NPR! Name the pairs (& one triplet) of each category!

Today's puzzle is fun enough for two! Name these pairs (and one triplet).


Ex. Name two colors that start with the letters "G-R-E" —> green and grey.


    1.   Two states that start with "A-L-A"

    2.   Two state capitals that start with "H-A-R"

    3.   Two parts of the body that start with "C-H-E"

    4.   Two board games that start with "C-H-E"

    5.   Two universities in New York State that start with "C-O-L"

    6.   Two breakfast cereals that start with "F-R-O"

    7.   Three French wines that start with "C-H-A"



Answer Keys

    1.  Alabama and Alaska

    2.  Harford and Harrisburg

    3.  Cheek and chest

    4.  Chess and checkers

    5.  Colgate and Columbia

    6.  Froot Loops and Frosted Flakes

    7.  Chablis, Chardonnay, Champaigne

Monday, November 11, 2024


Care for some silly but fun, brain-teasing riddles?


E.g., What gets shorter as it grows older?  => answer: a candle


    1.   The more there is the less you see. What is it? => dar__________


    2.   What has many keys but cannot open a single lock? => a pi________


3.   What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it? => sil_________


4.   What do you lose the moment you share it?  => a se____________


    5.   What’s lighter than a feather but impossible to hold for much more than a minute? => your bre____________


    6.   Two men are in a desert. They both have backpacks on. One of the guys is dead. The guy who is alive has his backpack open and the guy who is dead has his backpack closed. What is in the dead man’s backpack? => a para_____________________


    7.   What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left hand? => your ___________________


    8.   The person who makes it has no need of it; the person who buys it has no use for it. The person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it? => a co_____________


    9.   What is at the end of a rainbow? => __________


    10. What has a bottom at the top? => your _____________




Answer Keys  

    1.  darkness

    2.  a piano

    3.  silence

    4.  a secret

    5.  breath

    6.  a parachute

    7.  your left hand

    8.  a coffin

    9.  w

    10. legs

Sunday, November 10, 2024



The outcome of the U.S. presidential election for the 47th president came out. Regardless of our own preferences or hopes in choosing the leader of America, it is time for each one of us to stay poised and focused on what we need to do in our own place. Let us keep our fingers crossed for one another for another 4 years!


Today, I am presenting a simple set of word jumble. The category is the basic terms included in the Constitution, Political official position, title of a public figure’s speech, and/or the basis for democracy. The first letter of each given clue is capitalized.

e.g., breLiyt => Liberty

        iecJuts => Justice


The US Constitution

    1.  emrodFe =>


2.  lhagsRiEtqu => (hint: two words)


    3.  hilvCisigtR => (hint: two words)


4.  sietniMr =>  


5.  lervaHeAamD => (hint: three words)

6.  urCoega  =>


    7.  strtPeo =>

8.  alGeenr Wferael => (hint: two words)


9.  roPsptyire =>


10. Atnemdmen =>



Answer Keys

    1.  Freedom

    2.  Equal Rights

    3.  Civil Rights

    4.  Minister

    5.  I Have A Dream

    6.  Courage

    7.  Protest

    8.  General Welfare

    9.  Prosperity

    10. Amendment

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Health Series #26. OLIVE

It is natural to become physically weaker as one ages. However, it is possible to stay younger and healthier than your physical age by what you eat at your table every day. More and more medical research and studies have shown the medicinal properties and benefits of herbs and healthy diet.

As of this new year of 2024, let us stay healthy by looking into a variety of herbs one by one, their nutrition facts, and healthy diet so that we are able to lead a life with more confidence and constantly get ourselves back on track with aplomb even if we happen to deviate from the optimal state of health.


#26. OLIVE

Olives are a savory and delicious addition to meals or make a healthy snack choice. They’re low in 1. __________ but high in healthy fats. They’re also linked to several health benefits, including improved heart health.

This stone fruit is very easy to incorporate into your routine and creates a healthy, whole-foods-based diet.

Olives are an unusual fruit because of their high fat content. Their most abundant fat is 2. ____________ acid, which may have several health benefits. They also contain 4–6% carbs, most of which consists of

3. ___________. Olives are a good source of 4.Vitamin _____, iron, copper, and 5. cal____________.

Olives are rich in many plant compounds, particularly antioxidants, including Oleuropein. This is the most abundant antioxidant in fresh, unripe olives. This antioxidant may help prevent 6.  _______________ damage and reduce inflammation. Quercetin lowers blood pressure and improve

7. _____________ health (20Trusted Source).

Fresh olives are very bitter and usually need to be cured and fermented before eating.

Some of the plant compounds found in olives and olive oil have been shown to help prevent bone loss. As a result, the rates of 8. Os______________ are lower in Mediterranean countries than in the rest of Europe, leading to speculation that olives might protect against this condition.


Olives are usually well tolerated, and allergy is rare. However, they may contain high concentrations of 9. sa_________ in case of being prepackaged in brine. Some varieties may contain higher amounts of acrylamide due to processing.



Answer Keys

1.  carbs

2.  Oleic

3.  fiber

4.  E

5.  Calcium

6.  liver

7.  heart

8.  osteoporosis

9.  salt


**source from


Acrostic poem using OLIVE by Jean J. Lee

One of the staple fruits in your daily meal regimen

Like it or not, it should be on your plate

Imagine how dull your salads would taste without it!

Venturesome snack for some picky little toddlers

Enchanting kick to a boring plate of charcuterie!


If you’re interested in consulting your health with awesome professional pharmacists, check this out!



Monday, November 4, 2024

Time to play the puzzle from NPR! Are you good at phonetics puzzle?

This is a phonetic puzzle. If I asked you to say the cry of a ghost plus a letter of the alphabet to get a bunch of flowers, you'd say BOO plus K to get BOUQUET. Now try these.


Say ... plus a letter of the alphabet ... to get ...


    1.   The sound of a horse ... military force at sea

    2.   The sound of a cow ... given to sudden changes in temperament

    3.   Grind with the teeth ... difficult to satisfy

    4.   French city with an annual film frestival ... sweets

    5.   Dull shade ...  meat sauce

    6.   Huffed and puffed ... a colorful bird

    7.   Went across, as a river ... a stretchable fabric

    8.   One who violates the Ten Commandments ... result of two things working together advantageously


Answer Keys

1.  navy

2.  moody

3.  choosy

4.  candy

5.  gravy

6.  bluejay

7.  spandex

8.  synergy

Play and practice with Vocab!

Today, let me give you some sentences with blanks. Try to fill in the blanks with proper words (using the hints given) so that each one make...