Monday, October 30, 2023

Could you find words or phrases that are only composed of consonants P and S with various vowels?

Time to play the on-air challenge puzzle from NPR! Every answer today is a word or phrase in which the only consonants are P and S, repeated as often as necessary. All the other letters are vowels.

Ex. Spots on a playing card --> PIPS


1. Rival of Coke


2. Mexican coins


3. Wife or husband


4. To go against


5. To assume without proof


6. Flowers that produce opium


7. Young dogs


8. A group that accompanies a sheriff in a western


9. To have


10. To placate by acceding to someone's demands


11. Small bouquets


12. To forgo, as an opportunity (2 wds.)


13. Appears suddenly (2 wds.)


14. Thick fog is said to resemble it (2 wds.)


Answer Keys 

    1.  Pepsi

    2.  Peso

    3.  Spouse

    4.  Oppose

    5.  Suppose

    6.  Poppies

    7.  Puppies

    8.  Posse

    9.  Possess

    10.  appease

    11.  posies

    12.  pass up

    13.  pops up

    14.  pea soup

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The latest Sunday Puzzle from NPR on-air challenge!

Every answer today is a seven-letter word, name, or phrase that has three O's and no other vowels.


Ex. Canada's largest city --> TORONTO


1. Kind of cocktail thro as a weapon


2. Biblical wise man


3. Casablanca's country


4. Container for a hammer, wrench, etc.


5. 1987 film about a cyborg police officer


6. Nickname for Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to eight surviving babies at once


7. Rainy season in India


8. Where Santa lands on a house


9. What Pedigree, Iams, and Purina One sell (2 wds.)


10. Chance to take pictures of a famous person (2 wds.)



Answer Keys

1.  Molotov

2.  Solomon

3.  Morocco

4.  Tool box

5.  Robocop

6.  Octomom

7.  Monsoon

8.  Rooftop

9.  Dog food

10.              Photo op

Monday, October 23, 2023

Halloween Words

Halloween is one of the most beloved (and bedeviling) occasions of the year. Halloween is that one special night of the year when all of the spooky specters and menacing monsters come out to give everybody a severe case of the heebie-jeebies—and eat a ton of candy! Halloween isn’t just a great night for scares and sweets, though, as it also plays host to a ton of awesome words.  Here are a dozen of our favorite Halloween-related words that help to make October 31 such an eerie and spectacular day of the year. Personally, I would like to send my heartfelt prayers and condolences to those who lost their lives and their loved ones at a Halloween event held in the street of Itaewon, South Korea in the year of 2022.


    1.   _________________’s Eve is another name for Halloween. Although Halloween is not a religious holiday, it occurs the night before the Christian holiday of All Saint’s Day held on November 1. In fact, the name Halloween is a shortening of __________________’s Eve, which is a day to honor all of the Christian saints.


    2.   “____________ or ___________!” This thinly-veiled threat is said by children in the hopes of getting candy (a treat) with the implication that they will play a prank (a trick) on a candyless homeowner. Of course, costumed children say this phrase even if they don’t plan to prank anyone. And this phrase also refers to the act of wearing a Halloween costume while going door to door to ask for candy.


    3.   Traditionally, the meanest, cruelest tricks are reserved for the unfortunate souls who give out ______________________, an often controversial candy. It’s not corn, it’s debatably candy—so what is it? (And what’s your take on the other great food debates?) Like most candy, ________________________ is mostly made out of sugar and corn syrup. Other ingredients usually include vanilla flavoring or marshmallow creme.


    4.   A ______________________________ is a hollowed out pumpkin that has a face carved into it with a candle inside. But just who is the Jack in jack-o’-lantern? According to one particular Irish legend, they are named after a character named Stingy Jack. Long story short, Stingy Jack liked to play tricks on the Devil, who got his revenge once Jack died. Jack was cursed to wander the dark night with only a candle to light his way, which he carried in a lantern carved out of vegetables. This ghostly wanderer was called “________________________” Spooky!


    5.   Awoooooo!~~ A _______________ is a human being that has turned into a wolf (or wolf monster) and is usually capable of frequently transforming between man and beast. The word comes from the Old English werwulf, which is a combination of the word wer, meaning “man,” and wulf, meaning “wolf.”


    6.   The word _______________ can refer to an evil spirit, a demon, or any wicked creature or person. Sometimes, it is specifically used to refer to Satan, the Devil himself. Yikes! Sometimes, though, this word is used informally to mean someone is addicted to something or is really interested in it. For example, someone might be called a coffee ________________ or a poker _______________.


    7.   If you see something scary, you can shout _______________________________to express your shock or terror. This exclamation is actually an altering of the name Jesus Christ.



    8.   Watch out that a witch doesn’t put a spell on you. ____________-_____________ is a phrase that is chanted when casting spells or hexes, similar to words like abracadabra or alakazam. This can also refer to trickery, deception, or parlor tricks.


*Source from

Answer Keys  

    1.  Allhallow’s Eve

    2.  Trick or treat!

    3.  Candy corn

    4.  Jack-o-lantern

    5.  Werewolf

    6.  Fiend

    7.  Jeepers creepers

    8.  Hocus-pocus

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

NPR PUZZLE! Change one letter (either the 1st or the last letter) of a given word to find a name of the body!

I'm going to give you some four-letter words. For each one change either the first or last letter to name part of the body.











10. CALM (two answers)












Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Time to Play the Puzzle! Find 2-word phrases or names using the initials D and H!

On-air challenge: Every answer today is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the initials D-H.

Ex. Batter who may substitute for a pitcher --> DESIGNATED HITTER


1. Shape of DNA


2. Little-known contender who comes from behind to win


3. Race ending in a tie


4. Large room where students gather to eat


5. Road with a median


6. What you may turn in order to enter a room


7. Person who works on a boat


8. Person who helps clean teeth and do fillings


9. Middle of an item sold at Dunkin


10. Volcanic crater on Oahu


11. Bruce Willis action film


12. Clint Eastwood action film


Answer Keys

      1.     Double Helix

      2.     Dark Horse

       3.     Dead Heat

       4.     Dining Hall

       5.     Divided Highway

       6.     Door Handle

       7.     Deckhand

       8.     Dental Hygienist

       9.     Donut Hole  

       10.  Diamond Head  

       11.  Die Hard

       12.  Dirty Harry

       13.  Deathly Hallow

Monday, October 9, 2023

A Piece of Poem to Greet Fall Season by Jean Lee

 Autumn Meditation

By Jean J. Lee


Let the autumn breeze

Show your days how to ease

No need to think about others to please

Just let go of those in life who tease

Be ready to pick your garden peas

And toss them into your salad bowl and seize

Be grateful for a handful of happiness that would never freeze

Smile at your precious moments of these

Monday, October 2, 2023

Create a phrase using the clues, in which only the 1st vowel sound is different: long I sound & long A sound!

Ready to play the latest NPR Sunday Puzzle from yesterday? Every answer today is a made-up phrase like MIGHTY MATEY, consisting of two two-syllable words that are pronounced the same except for their initial vowels. The first word in the phrase has a long-I sound that is /ay/ sound. The second one has a long-A that is /ey/ sound.


Ex. Powerful comrade --> MIGHTY MATEY


1. Restaurant server who's more pale


2. Passover meal that comes with fermented apple juice


3. Person staring at Old Faithful, for example


4. Double-crosser who uses more hackneyed expressions


5. Earlier person making supplications to God


Bonus Question

Name two US presidents (from the 19th century) whose names are appropriate for this puzzle!

Answer Keys

    1.  whiter waiter

    2.  cider seder

    3.  geyser gazer

    4.  triter traitor

    5.  prior prayer

    6.  Tylor Taylor

Let's improve English Vocabulary!

How about checking with your English vocabulary? Today, I will give you the sentences with blanks so that you can fill them up with proper...