Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Dr. Jedidiah's Diary Episode #60: Memories with Melinda

Dr. Jedidiah’s Diary

Dr. Jedidiah is a psychiatrist who loves traveling, meeting new people, and exploring different cultures. As a single father who lost his wife to drug overdose 10 years ago, he has not been his old perky self for the last decade. During those hard years, he has met hundreds of, thousands of people from various walks of life around all over the world. Meeting new people and listening to their stories outside his office have given him different feelings from the ones through the formal encounter groups or being truly honest with himself. Here is Dr. Jedidiah’s monologue that has left him with some food for thoughts in life….or a fodder to justify his own mistakes in the past.


Episode # 60. Memories with Melinda

It was weird to see the emptiness in the place where my close friend Melinda had always been sitting. Her old chair at the checkout desk looked like the loneliest nest deserted by a mother bird, which anyone could tell it had seen better days.


Even though Melinda had never been a talkative person who was trying hard to offer cliché type of greetings to every single visitor, people who had seen her for years felt close and tight with her. Melinda was the only librarian, since I started to become one of the regular crowd of that local library (which was considerably big for a city library), that never ever had failed to locate a book on the spot whenever I needed one. Even the old and the rarest book of travelogues with exonumia or one of the undiscovered encyclopedia of celluloid materials from the old days of Tinseltown could be obtainable within the radar of the meticulous and assiduous librarian with keen eyes. The only thing that was absent in Melinda was a welcoming smile, because she always looked stern and serious, not very temperamental though, like a nun who never seemed to be interested in any kind of foofaraw in life. However, she was never the one who was condescending or doing the genteel, but rather somewhat self-effacing in front of people. Mostly quiet, to the point when speaking, always in control. That was just the true color of Melinda. An hour or two at the library after my work was the most peaceful time of a day when I would get cobwebs out of my head by reading books or magazines of my choice or oftentimes those of her picks. Most of all, it was our short conversation that helped me wrap up my days just like the ways people did at the end of their yoga class: Namaste. Not only Melinda’s words but even her silence had always provided me with lots of awakening moments and the sense of peace just as if she meant to say “leave it to beaver”. Yes, she was the only one back in those days that made me forget about my own occupation as a shrink. Melinda was like a mind reader who emasculated my expertise as a psychiatrist by saying “You need to go to the kids’ section and read The Lion King today, doc. Hakuna matata! Why fretting about anything small in life?” I was able to feel there was no masked intention of innuendo or sarcasm in her words for me. She was simply caring for a lonely heart like me.


On an early Fall afternoon, I was heading to the library just like everyday of my life after work. I was excited that day since I heard the news of my paper being selected by my fellow psychiatrists as the best thesis published in a year. Melinda was not my girlfriend or soul mate, but fair enough, she was the very first person who came to my mind when I heard my own good news. On my way there to the library, I was expecting to see her giving me a vague smile to congratulate, which was very infrequent, and give me a chance to extend my gratitude to Melinda for being right there for me for years. Instead of her quiet existence, her empty chair at the checkout desk caught my eyes, and her assistant librarian Mary broke the unbelievable news to me in tears. “Melinda had a stroke last night and passed alone at home.” Mary’s words were not making any sense to me. Her voice was like a meaningless sound or noise from a distance to me. I kept asking myself why. I just couldn’t get it why God kept taking away my beloved people at the least expected moment in my life.


Melinda’s parents and siblings contacted me the next day. To my surprise, they told me that Melinda used to talk a lot about me when they had family get-together. Then they asked me to write a eulogy for Melinda at her funeral. Writing a eulogy for Melinda? But I'd never had a chance to write her my feelings about her in person yet. I became speechless at the thought about me holding a place in Melinda’s heart. My head began to get filled with cobwebs again. Leaving this old chair that looked like a huge dent in my heart, Melinda must have had no idea that some kind of strong feelings of attachment or maybe love was accruing on my lonely heart. Where should I go to clear my mind and leave for home in peace?

(*picture source:


    1.  on the spot: immediately; at the scene of an action or event

2.  exonumia: any non-monetary object of interest to numismatists, such as medals , tokens

3.  celluloid: a name for film used in shooting movies/ of or related to movie-making

4.  temperamental: someone whose mood often changes suddenly

5.   foofaraw: a great deal of fuss or attention given to a minor matter; showy frills added unnecessarily

6.  to do the genteel: to have an aristocratic quality or flavor; ‘genteel’ largely connotates negative, meaning free from what is low, vulgar, or connected with the uncultivated classes

7.  self-effacing: having or showing a tendency to make oneself modestly or shyly inconspicuous

8.  to get cobwebs out: to clear confusion from one’s mind/ head

9.  Leave it to beaver: Don’t worry about it or Chill out. (This expression was originally from the 1950s TV show in the States.)

10.  to emasculate: to deprive of strength, vigor, or spirit : weaken

11.  to fret about something: to worry about something/ to be nervous about something

12. innuendo: an indirect remark or gesture that suggests or implies something derogatory; an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one.

13. fair enough:  You say “fair enough” when you want to say that a statement, decision, or action seems reasonable to a certain extent, but that perhaps there is more to be said or done. For instance, “Fair enough, but we can't wait too much longer.”

14. eulogy: a speech, piece of writing, poem, etc. containing great praise, especially for someone who recently died or retired from work

15. to accrue: to increase in number or amount over a period of time

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Wanna check out this last Sunday's Puzzle from NPR?

It’s time to play the puzzle! Here’s the latest Sunday Puzzle from NPR on-air challenge. On-air Challenge: Here's a "two-part puzzle." With two things given in each question, find something that is part of each of them.


Example: Ex. The eye / A school --> PUPIL


1. An elephant / A car

2. A river / Wall Street

3. An Olympic swimming pool / A poem

4. The leg / A cattle farm

5. A fish / A post office

6. A bird / A legislative agenda

7. A peach / The Indianapolis 500

8. The nose / A ship

9. A plant / A tournament bracket

10. The hand / A tropical island

11. [triple:] A jack-in-the-box / A spa / The year


(*picture source:


Answer Keys

    1.  trunk

    2.  bank

    3.  meter

    4.  calf

    5.  scale

    6.  bill

    7.  pit

    8.  bridge

    9.  seed

    10.  palm

    11.   spring


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Expressions for offering a praise!

The noted author and pastor Croft M. Pentz said “Praise, like sunlight, makes all things to grow.” Kind words of compliments, admiration, and appreciation would lift up not only the ones who have achieved something big but anyone around you as well. There are various ways to offer praise or compliments to people. How about filling in the blanks below with words/ phrases meaning “compliments” to make each sentence sense?


    1.   My aunt deserves ku_____s for devoting more than 10 years of her life to raising her grand children.


    2.   You are a true leader, Tim! Your leadership in this project has gone way beyond phe_____________!


    3.   Let us give a huge shout-________ to all the volunteers working all day at each Covid 19 vaccination hub.


    4.   My favorite makeup artist and beauty director David Razzano has always been on the forefront of makeup trends with his stel_______ works.


    5.   Have you seen this new action-packed film? Man, this is out____________!! It’s the b______!!!


    6.   Quite a lot of people wish to send their kids to a bootcamp during their long Summer break. I know a right place that is on _________ in terms of discipline.


    7.   OMG! I checked out your ppt presentation! What a top _____________ work!

(*picture source:

Answer Keys 

    1.  kudos

    2.  phenomenal

    3.  shout-out

    4.  stellar

    5.  outrageous, bomb

    6.  on fire

    7.  top drawer

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Time to play the Sunday Puzzle from NPR On-Air Challenge!

With the given clues, find the answer to each one which is one of the words in the clue with its vowel sound changed. (Make sure to change the vowel sound, not just a single vowel letter)


Example: What fish bite --> BAIT (the word "bite" with the long-I sound changed to a long-A)


1. What a babe might wear in a high chair

2. Family dude

3. River seen in Paris

4. Waters that run through Cologne

5. Something that goes "boom!"

6. What you bowl with

7. What the government takes from your income

8. What a hat adds to your body

9. Where to order a beer

10. Something that will go round and round

11. What a cryptographer could read

12. Word that means "strange"

13. When night is done


Answer Keys

    1.  babe => bib

    2.  dude => dad

    3.  seen => Seine

    4.  run => Rhine

    5.  boom => bomb

    6.  bowl => ball

    7.  takes => tax

    8.  hat => height

    9.  beer => bar

    10.   will => wheel

    11.   could => code

    12.   word => weird

    13.   done => dawn

 (*picture source:

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Dr. Jedidiah's Diary Episode #59. Lucida, the Brightest Star

Dr. Jedidiah’s Diary

Dr. Jedidiah is a psychiatrist who loves traveling, meeting new people, and exploring different cultures. As a single father who lost his wife to drug overdose 10 years ago, he has not been his old perky self for the last decade. During those hard years, he has met hundreds of, thousands of people from various walks of life around all over the world. Meeting new people and listening to their stories outside his office have given him different feelings from the ones through the formal encounter groups or being truly honest with himself. Here is Dr. Jedidiah’s monologue that has left him with some food for thoughts in life….or a fodder to justify his own mistakes in the past.


Episode #59. Lucida, the Brightest Star

The weekly therapy session with my patients - who were struggling to be free from drug addiction – had always been emotionally charged. No one there came without sadness or tearful past. Each one sitting in a circle looked nervous waiting for his or her turn to tell who they were – in case of their first session – and where they were standing in terms of coping with many-headed hydra in their lives. Quite often times, there had been moments of sigh, anger, tears, and even hysterical laughter. However, not all was wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Some of them even looked nonchalant, and some others were always like dying of boredom. I thought they purposefully pretended to be the poster child of “bordom” by repeating oscillation and pandiculation, because they didn’t want to draw attention.

On the day when I saw that young lady named Lucy in the group session, I thought she might have been afraid of being around strangers, especially when these strangers were not just a normally laid-back group of folks who were very welcoming. She was wearing a boxy sweater and a long, thick scarf that covered half her face and neck, and looking down on the floor as if she were trying to find something to pick up. When it finally was her turn to talk briefly about who she was, Lucy’s mellifluous voice turned everybody’s head. “Hi,….I’m Lucida Biels. Just call me Lucy. I’ve been doing voice-over for a famous singer. Well…you might not understand what I’m talking about. I…am singing for a pretty singer who can’t sing like she used to. I sing for her behind the curtain like a ghost.” The other patients did not seem stunned by what she did for a living, but more surprised by Lucy’s lovely voice. Lucy went on to say how she ended up sitting right here. “Well… I’ve always wanted to be a singer. I dreamed about belting out my own song on stage, touching my audience at heart. But as you see, camera doesn’t do me justice. I’m not slim enough or pleasantly plump for camera. Each time I had a chance to audition to become a professional singer, it was always my appearance, not my voice or singing caliber that was judged or badly criticized.” To her dismay, Lucy wasn’t able to make her dreams come true but made up her mind to sing behind the curtain instead. Lucy’s passion for singing had never dissipated, and wished the standing ovation from the audience were for her, not for the fake singer lip-synching out there on stage. After more than 10 years of being a hidden singer, Lucy’s desire to come up on stage in the spotlight was pushing her to the limit in bad direction. All her savings were used for small nip-n-tucks, and she even started to take prescribed weight loss medications. Then Lucy’s coworker at the recording studio gradually cajoled her into doing some strong narcotic. Lucy was full of ambivalent emotions and feelings about those substances. She felt carefree but scared of the unknown aftermath, happy for hours but miserable when she’s back to sober reality, comfortable being high but shameful of turning to drugs,….and most of all, she was terribly fearful of losing her voice to drugs.


On our last therapy session, Lucy was still in layers and layers of thick sweaters and mufflers hiding her silhouette. Most of the patients were done with their therapy and gone, but Lucy was still there with a couple of other patients. Lucy said she wanted to extend her gratitude to me and the other patients for being right there as good listeners to her stories. Then she stood up and took off the thick muffler. After a minute of complete silence, Lucy sang her favorite song out loud for the very first time in my clinic. All of the patients in the circle and I were lost for words. Deeply touched by her beautiful voice. No drugs could help her stand up to sing like that. She needed ardent listeners. Just like her name shows, Lucy was our real lucida, the brightest star of all.


Listen to Kelly Clarkson "Because of You"

(*the source for the song “Because of You”: lyricsmusics4us

(*Picture Source:



    1.  emotionally charged: experiencing strong, raw, and uninhibited emotions that can be difficult to control


    2.  hydra: multifarious problems not to be overcome by a single effort


    3.   to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeves: to make one’s feelings apparent or revealed


    4.  nonchalant: feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm


    5.  oscillation: yawning


    6.  pandiculation: stretching


    7.   mellifluous: (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.

    8.  to belt out: sing or play a song loudly and forcefully


    9.  to cajole somebody into doing …: to persuade or entice one into doing something.


    10.   narcotic: a drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally.


    11.   ambivalent: having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone


    12.   lucida: the brightest star in a constellation

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Political Slang

 Are you comfortable with political conversations in your family reunion or in a get-together with friends? Talking about one's political stance or viewpoints could be the fastest way to create a crevice in your relationships with them. Well, like it or not, let us go over a couple of political expressions/ slang today. 

Political Slang


1.  to comey or to pull a comey: to flipflop back and forth to the point of absurdity/ to be indecisive or bungling something at the last minute (based on the former FBI director James Comey who turned into a backstabber.) You can use “comey” as a noun or an adjective as well.


2.  Blue Lives Matter: Blue Lives Matter is an organization created to support the police and to stand against violence against police officers. In recent times it has been a topic of controversy due to the number of recent police brutality incidents.


3.  a hit dog: A person acting sensitive, mad, or butt hurt as if something said applied to them (hit home)

Someone who responds defensively to a general statement, meaning they clearly took it personal


4.  Jexodus: the fake departure of American Jews from Democratic party (the name of a right-wing political effort to encourage Jewish Democrats to leave (as an exodus) and join the Republican party due to the left's supposed anti-Semitic, anti-Israel policies)


5.  Proud Boys: white supremacist group whose members are pro-gun rights, against feminism and gender equality, and take a libertarian stance on issues such as welfare


6.  middle-of-the-road: neutral/ less severe than far left (or progressive) or far right (conservative) positions on the political spectrum


Let’s recap what you’ve learned by practicing!

    1.  Jeremy always calls himself a ______________________ politician, but anyone who knows him thinks he belongs to the far right political group and has been secretly supporting ___________ Boys.


    2.  Samuel Porter Jones, who was a lawyer-turned pastor and preacher said “Throw a stone into a crowd of dogs, and the ________ dog will holler”



    3.  Republicans are insisting there is a sizable and growing movement among American Jews — especially younger ones — to abandon the Democratic Party for supposedly embracing anti-Semitism, or at least anti-Israel positions. They call this ____________________, which is not based on truth.


    4.  I saw the protesters in front of the police station, holding the sign that said “_______________________________” which is the pro-police term coined in response to “Black Lives Matter”.


    5.  Everyone hoped the new FBI director will be a steadfast, respectable, trustworthy, and dignified leader versus being a total _________________.



Answer Keys

    1.  middle-of-the-road, Proud

    2.  hit

    3.  Jexodus

    4.  Blue Lives Matter

    5.  Comey

(picture source: 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

NPR Sunday Puzzle aired on April 11th, 2021: Name the TV shows!

A hardish one today. Every answer is the name of a classic TV game show, past or present. Identify the shows from their anagrams.



1. DOPER JAY (8)

2. DROP SAWS (8)

3. OFF A CRATER (4,6)


5. MANY WHISTLE (5,2,4)


*The answer to question 5 is a well-known CBS TV show back in the old days in the States. Fun fact! My mom appeared on the show in 1963! Wanna check it out? Click What's My Line


Answer Keys

    1.  JEOPARDY

    2.  PASSWORD



    5.  WHAT’S MY LINE


Let's get idioms/ slang down pat!

When it comes to learning English, are you gravitating towards prescriptive grammar or somewhat flexible in using descriptive grammar? Presc...