Friday, July 27, 2018

Dr. Jedidiah's Diary: Episode #5

Dr. Jedidiah’s Diary
Dr. Jedidiah is a psychiatrist who loves traveling, meeting new people, and exploring different cultures. As a single father who lost his wife to drug overdose 10 years ago, he has not been his old perky self for the last decade. During those hard years, he has met hundreds of, thousands of people from various walks of life around all over the world. Meeting new people and listening to their stories outside his office have given him different feelings from the ones through the formal encounter groups or support groups for therapy. These people he has accidentally come across were the paths through which Dr. Jedidiah could look back on his own life, being truly honest with himself. Here is Dr. Jedidiah’s monologue that has left him with some food for thoughts in life….or some fodder to justify his own mistakes in the past.

Episode #5
It was around this time of year when Jonah came to my clinic with her mother. Jonah had a normal girl-next-door look, which made me wonder what brought her to this place where a shrink is ready to detect the dark culprits of people’s pain in their mind. I said to myself ‘Isn’t it time for most high schoolers to kick off their shoes and get ready to enjoy the long summer break? Otherwise, some hard-core goal-getters with a dream of getting admitted into the top tier colleges must be signing up for AP courses or already on a campus of prestigious universities to start a special summer program. Hmmm….what on earth is this poor high school girl doing here in a psychiatrist’s office around this joyful, relaxing, or fruitful time of year?!!’

Jonah was a quiet student…….off line. Her mother shed tears saying that Jonah had been suspended several times from school. She had been summoned to the counselor’s office so many times for her continuous misconducts on line. She was anonymously bullying other girls through spreading groundless rumors about them on twitter. Her efforts to stay anonymous while hurting random fellow students on line came to no avail. Everyone found out that it was Jonah, the painfully quiet girl outside of the cyber world.

It was not until we reached the point of 5 to 6 times of meetings that Jonah started to unravel the mystery of her cyber bully by confiding what she had been doing behind her computer monitor. She had always thought she was the invisible at school. No matter how hard she tried inside to get confidence to voice her opinions, it just felt like everyone at school was viewing her as a silent dumb or epigone of good students who never make a noise in class. Jonah wanted to shout that she is right there as a normal kid with whom her classmates would laugh, eat lunch, go shopping, and gossip about others… line, NOT secretly on line.

Being annihilated from friends had made Jonah turn into a sad solitary hikikomory. To Jonah, the world around her means nothing but a huge bunch of people that she wanted to push around or pick on. She had not had a chance to harmonize or be on good terms with anyone. Her life as a painful loner had rendered her into a cyber monster that keeps eating innocent friends alive by poisonous, acrimonious, and unforgivably bitter words. In the end, her own misunderstanding or blinkered thoughts and distorted mind about how she was treated by others tossed her into the pit of despair.

As a person who has been hurt and wounded by reckless cyber attacks before, not as a shrink who just gives away standardized diagnosis or solutions, I helped Jonah to realize how detrimental and dangerous it is to terrorize innocent people out there behind her computer monitor, especially in this world that seemingly looks like having a close connection towards one another. Jonah came to learn that she had been terribly delusional and almost came to a place where she got nobody to trust around her. She said she had been feeling like less-than-perfect or even rotten strawberries in the bottom of a punnet. Through our half a year of heartfelt conversations, Jonah had gradually become a new girl who was ready to come out of her twisted and distorted side of her soul.

I do hope and pray many sad, frustrated internet users who blame the whole world have a chance to stop and listen to what they are thinking deep down inside. If all they need is love, they need to reach out and ask for help. The world has more lovers than haters.


1.      shrink: (noun) a clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychotherapist

2.      AP course: Advanced Placement (AP) is a program in the United States and Canada created by the College Board which offers college-level curricula and examinations to high school students

3.      to confide: tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others

4.      epigone: (noun) a less distinguished follower or imitator of someone, especially an artist or philosophe

5.      hikikomory: (noun) (in Japan) the abnormal avoidance of social contact, typically by adolescent males

6.      to push around: (verb) informal treat someone roughly or inconsiderately, to victimize or threaten someone

7.      to be on good terms with someone: (phrase) to have a friendly or pleasant relationship (with someone)

8.      blinkered: (adjective) limited in scope or understanding or narrow-minded

9.      punnet: (noun) a small light basket/ container for fruit or vegetables

Friday, July 20, 2018

Sayings about Diet and Weight Loss

One of the most difficult issues that many people are facing today is their relationship with food and appearance. Since small, slim body and toned muscles have become the ideal picture of human body regardless of their age and sex in modern society, almost everyone desires sylphlike or beautifully buff silhouette. Yes, it is possible for anyone to make that dream come true, but easier said than done. Some may say inside most of us is a very thin person struggling to get out but continuously sedated by cheese cake, chocolate chip cookies, and pizza. LOL. It could be a lifelong project to be on the healthy side. Let us eat healthy and rock on.

This week, let me introduce some interesting and fun-filled quotes and saying related to diet and weight loss.

“Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” …. English proverb

“More die in the United States of too much food than too little.”
…..  John Kenneth Galbraith, the Affluent Society

“Diets are for those who are thick and tired of it.”
….Mary Tyler Moore

“People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas.”
…….Author unknown

“The one way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life.”
…….Cyril Connolly, The Unquiet Grave

“I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me.”
….Author unknown

“If nature had intended our skeletons to be visible it would have put them on the outside of our bodies.”
…..Elmer Rice

“I’ve been on a diet for two weeks and all I’ve lost is fourteen days.”
….Totie Fields

“Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!”
…..Author unknown

“The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books- how not to eat what you’ve just learned how to cook.” ……Andy Rooney
No diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat. Without a brain, you might look good, but all you could do is run for public office.”
…..George Bernard Shaw

“Life itself is a proper binge.”
…..Julia Child

Friday, July 6, 2018

Idiomatic Expressions Related to Being Hopeful

Are you a believer of Murphie’s Law? The line that you’re in for the cashier’s counter at a grocery store is always moving slow. You see the gas tank warning light when you’re late to work. It starts to drizzle on the day you’ve planned for an outing with friends. The toilet tissue dispenser happens to be empty when you’re in dire need. Hmmm….you might think the world is filled with so many things to complain about with anger or frustration. However, you’ve got another day dawning that may have a lot more hopeful things to be stoked about! J  This week, let us brush up on some idiomatic expressions related to being hopeful.

1.   to hope against hope: to hope very strongly when the situation is hopeless

2.   There are plenty of fish in the sea: There are other choices to make.

3.   to count one’s blessings: to be grateful for good things in life or what you have.

4.   as luck would have it : an expression used to describe something useful that has happened by chance

5.   something drops/falls into one’s lap: to have something desirable happen/to acquire something desirable without putting in any effort

6.   to luck out : to be very lucky
7.   to lick one’s wounds: to try to recover one’s confidence or spirit after a defeat or failure, disappointment

8.   to look on the bright side: to view a mostly unfortunate situation in a positive and optimistic way and see the favorable aspects

Time to put the above expressions into practice and let us stay positive!
1.  Jessie can hardly ever feel at home in London, but her friends back in her hometown keep telling her to look ______________________________. They say London is one of the most attractive cities in the world.

2.  Dan was hammered at his friend’s birthday party, but as _______________________ it, there was a guy who never touched a can of beer who could drive him home.

3.  Dr.Esther hoped ____________________ that her terminally ill patient would have enough time to wrap up his life with his beloved family and friends.

4.  The Russian soccer team really ______________ out in the game against Spain! Little did we expect they’d win the game.

5.  Hey, Irene, don’t despair. Tom is not the only guy for you in the world.
There are _______________________________________ in the sea.

6.  Each time I become disappointed by the harsh way my life treats me, my mother says “Count your ________________.”

7.  His internship opportunity did not just drop _________________________________. He had been doing his very best to maintain his great GPA and get deeply involved in a lot of activities.
8.  GE has been suffering from a series of failure in selling their products, but now is ____________________________ its wounds for another chance.

Answer Keys
1.  on the bright side
2.  luck would have
3.  against hope
4.  lucked out
5.  a plenty of fish
6.  blessings
7.  into his lap
8.  licking

Let's improve English Vocabulary!

How about checking with your English vocabulary? Today, I will give you the sentences with blanks so that you can fill them up with proper...