Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dream on the Path to the Sky

Born as a middle child among 9 children to poor parents in a small farming town, my mother had rarely drawn attention or special care at home. Once in her childhood, she was wanted by a Japanese couple with no child living next door as their adopted daughter, but she did not wish to leave her mom, dad, and eight loving siblings even if she had not been viewed as a special kid in the family but rather one of those many children or even a diddly-squat. No more than a shy and quiet girl, but deep down inside, she had a dream of becoming SOMEBODY in the future, although she had no clear idea of what that SOMEBODY might mean. In her mind, “somebody” might refer to someone who at least would not be a swarthy, thewless person with nothing to achieve in a secluded town, but rather the one who tries to hypostatize her amorphous dream.

The day came for this almost invisible high school girl to put her first step forward to get closer to become someone special in her family. It is applying for the air force as the first female air cadet corps in the Republic of Korea, which was supported by the government. When her parents came to learn about what their ‘non-person’ kind of insignificant daughter was up to, they furiously opposed the addle-headed idea of becoming a pilot. Since aviator was regarded as men’s job back then, her conservative parents even threatened by telling her they will repudiate her to say the least. She was locked inside her room, but her dream of flying made her escape through the window of her room.
She was the Korean War veteran and later discharged from the air force as a captain. Although her dream was not embraced by her own parents since she became a pilot, fortune favored the brave. She was granted the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study abroad by the government scholarship. Literally not knowing the ABCs of English, her stay in the small college named Guilford in North Carolina had been no picnic at all. Eating, sleeping, and working myriads of part-time jobs with English dictionary in her hand finally led her to the point of showing up on a popular CBS TV show “What’s My Line?”. In the year of 1962, she became the most popular female pilot from Asia in the States and was fortunate enough to be presented a light aircraft called ‘Piper Colt’ funded by other American female aviators’ under the slogan of ‘We Help Captain Kim’ using their collection of green stamps. The precious aircraft was donated to the Aerospace University in Korea when my mother came back in the year of 1963.

My mother’s life had often been filled with trepidation and upslope throughout her path to the sky, but each time she was considered by the square viewpoints of the world and her own parents calling her “enfant terrible”, she reminded herself of Amelia Earhart’s beautiful thoughts in life: “Everyone has oceans to fly if they have the heart to do it. Is it reckless? Maybe. But what do dreams know of boundaries?” Who cares if your goals or dreams in life could be no more than a reverie that will never come to fruition? As long as you are putting your best foot forward, just one step at a time, you are already in the right direction towards your dreams.

  1.   diddly-squat: nothing/ zero

  2.   thewless: cowardly; timid

  3.   to hypostatize: (verb) to treat or regard (a concept, idea, etc.) as a distinct substance or reality

  4.   amorphous: (adjective) without a clearly defined shape or form

  5.   to repudiate: (verb) to cast off or disown (one’s children)

  6.   Fortune favors the brave/ bold: (phrase) "Fortune helps the brave", and "Fortune favors the strong" are common translations of a Latin proverb.

  7.   Green stamps: (proper noun) S&H Green Stamps are a discontinued line of trading stamps popular in the United States from the 1930s until the late 1980s. They were distributed as part of a rewards program operated by the Sperry & Hutchinson company (S&H), founded in 1896 by Thomas Sperry and Shelley Byron Hutchinson

  8.   trepidation: (noun) a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen

  9.   enfant terrible: (idiom) a person whose unconventional or controversial behavior or ideas shock, embarrass, or annoy others.

  10. reverie: (noun) a fanciful or impractical idea or theory

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Idiom Check: Let’s get the meaning of your personality!

Life can be interesting because there is not exactly the same type of two people on earth. Each has his or her own specific traits and personalities. This week, we would like to go over some idiomatic expressions to describe personality.

<i> to not have a nasty bone in one’s body: to be a mean streak

<ii> all mouth and no trousers: full of boastful, arrogant, or shallow talk, usually by a male, who then cannot deliver on his claims (=all hat and no cattle)

<iii> wouldn’t say boo (to a goose /or to anyone): to be particularly shy, diffident, or timid by nature/ To not say a word (to anyone); to keep quiet/ not to be assertive

<iv> to keep himself to himself (or keep herself to herself): to lead a very private and unsociable life, while someone who is always lively and cheerful

<v> Someone’s bark is worse than their bite.: One's actions will not be nearly as severe as one's words imply.

<vi> a force of nature: a  person or creature possessing unnatural or God-like power/ or if we describe an extrovert and energetic person as a force of nature, we are probably mocking them at least a little

<vii> a cold fish:  someone who seems unfriendly and who does not share their feelings

<viii> a (nasty) piece of work: a very unpleasant person

<ix> a wall flower: a shy person, especially a girl or woman, who is frightened to involve herself in social activities and does not attract much interest or attention:

<x> a skiver: a person who is absent from work or school without permission

Ready to check your idioms to describe the following        people.

  1.   Tom needs to know that our team manager has been watching over us to secretly see who is the ______________ that often skips early morning meetings.

  2.   Bradley regrets that he has not been a good boyfriend to Olivia. Olivia decided to leave him because she can’t stand his coldhearted attitude anymore. Bradley is such a _______________.

  3.   Don’t worry about what Ted said last night. Although he sounds very intimidating and threatening, his ____________________________________________.

  4.   Mary stays at the gym all day taking every single exercise classes on a daily basis. My Gosh! She is a _____________________________!

  5.   The legendary pop idols Michael Jackson had not shared his private life with public. He kept ________________________________________________.

  6.   Are you sure Matt cheated on his loving girl friend? Well…I believe he doesn’t have a _______________________________________.

  7.   Linda never goes to a party, because she doesn’t want to become a _________________________ while everyone else is having a good time, chatting and socializing.

  8.   Today’s “Me, too” campaign in the States has made all the sexually molested women break the silence and come forward to find their right to speak up. They are not the same girl who wouldn’t _________________________________________ anymore!

  9.   You’d better steer clear of Jim. He is such a nasty _________________________________. Everybody says he is so annoying and even violent sometimes.

 10. Ronald is wheeling out the same old excuses for being way behind in his project that is due tomorrow. He always toots his own horn or even cooks up a story to embellish his capability, but everybody knows that he is all ______________________________________.

Answer Key
1. <x> skiver
2. <vii> coldfish
3. <v> bark is worse than their bite
4. <vi> force of nature
5. <iv> himself to himself
6. <i> nasty bone in his body
7. <ix> wall flower
8. <iii> wouldn’t say boo to a goose
9. <viii> nasty piece of work

10. <ii> all mouth and no trousers

Let's improve English Vocabulary!

How about checking with your English vocabulary? Today, I will give you the sentences with blanks so that you can fill them up with proper...